So if you do a mix of Split Squats (0:51). On their own, a set of lunges each day is unlikely to provide enough of a calorie burn to help you lose weight. If you combine lunges with regular aerobic exercise, however, you can increase your chance of developing a fitter body by losing fat and building muscle. Choose aerobic exercises that burn calories quickly. Lunges, by far, is one of the best butt building exercises you could perform to build bigger rounder glutes quickly and effectively. Most would argue that squats are the one-and-all for building huge glutes. The primary muscles used for this exercise are the chest muscles or pectoral muscles. Are lunges better than squats for glutes? As with the dumbbell overhead lunge, keep your bicep by your ear and your arm locked out overhead. Squats and lunges are two different exercises that work similar muscles, says Robert Brace, owner of Brace Life Studios. http://www.bodyweightburn.comThe LUNGE is one of the staple exercises here at Bodyweight Lunge is a great bodyweight exercise for men, men over 50, women and women over 50. 1. Lunges are a great bodyweight exercise to tone and strengthen the muscles in your legs. try these 10 variations on a traditional forward lunge to workout the muscles in your legs and take your results even further. 3) Single-arm Dumbbell Overhead Lunge This variation is the same as the overhead double dumbbell lunge. Side The standard bodyweight lunge is the first lunge variation you should learn. Half side lunges