This permitted timing tolerances of 10 ms in each explosion. Complete this tier of Starship Mastery to be allowed to claim this starship on any character on this account. This forms a plate-like assembly. Looking for the Old APA page, find it here: The primary task of the ETS is to train sufficient air engineering personnel to enable the front line to achieve operational capability. A major factor in choosing the right mesh is the length ratio (length vs honeycomb cell diameter) L/d. Vocational Training Schools (ESK; Greek: ; The majority of these students are classed as unskilled workers (entry-level). The expense of the fissionable materials required was thought to be high, until the physicist Ted Taylor showed that with the right designs for explosives, the amount of fissionables used on launch was close to constant for every size of Orion from 2,000 tons to 8,000,000 tons. Beside the aesthetic reasons, these meshes are used as screens to get a uniform profile and to reduce the intensity of turbulence.[27]. "[150], Human complexities, like reason and cognition, can produce well-being or happiness, but such form is limited and transitory. Technician of Thermal and Hydraulic Installationsand Technology of Oil and Natural Gas, 4. ; 2021Present),[81][82][83][84][85] is also known as Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship School, founded in 2021 by Public Employment Service (DYPA) in collaboration with German-Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Commerce and Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE). Engineering ethics is concerned with the actions and decisions made by persons, individually or collectively, who belong to the profession of engineering (Baum 1980: 1). It proposed the use of a shaped-charge fusion-boosted fission explosive. Shapes that are commonly used besides the regular hexagonal cell include triangular cells, square cells, and circular-cored hexagonal cells, and circular-cored square cells. Aerodynamics, from Ancient Greek: aero (air) + Ancient Greek: (dynamics), is the study of the motion of air, particularly when affected by a solid object, such as an airplane wing. Outer space, commonly shortened to space, is the expanse that exists beyond Earth and its atmosphere and between celestial bodies.Outer space is not completely emptyit is a near perfect vacuum containing a low density of particles, predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust, and cosmic rays. Scientists are motivated to work in several ways. represents the student's sum of all three Grade Point Average (GPA) earned in 1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade of lyceum each of these is multiplied by a given coefficient weight where the result is divided by two, In combination with two skins applied on the honeycomb, the structure offers a sandwich panel with excellent rigidity at minimal weight. Thus following a failure and on initial ground launch it would be necessary to start or restart the sequence with a lower yield device. [13], Freeman Dyson performed the first analysis of what kinds of Orion missions were possible to reach Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system to the Sun. Types are the 1.) Most preschools, also known as pre-primary, are attached to and share buildings with a primary school. 2:Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Vol. Silver-Gold-Smithing (Jewellery Designer-Maker), Specialties of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, 1. This represents 19.1% of the 244 million international migrants worldwide, and 14.4% of the United It is true that those have a value, but none of them can occupy the place of the greatest good for which humanity aims. _ jfC"_.RDw~W!'zmk4+a.f\eh= PK ! [124][125], The formal education system includes the primary, secondary and higher education. 26 2021, , , Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, International Standard Classification of Occupations, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Qualifications Framework in the European Higher Education Area, Open access to scholarly communication in Greece, "Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP) Greece", "Legislations for the Greek Education latest updates", "Greece Education Legislation Listing Since 1830 Until Present", "Education Services via Greek Government Portal", "Greece Administration and Governance at Central and/or Regional Level", "Greece Education System Legislation and Official Policy Documents", "Bodies and Institutions Supervised by Greek Ministry of Education", "Greece inclusion of learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities", "Authority for Quality Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education (ADIPPDE)", "Law 4485/2017 Government Gazette 114//4-8-2017", "Personal Data, Laws, Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA)", "Law 3471/2006 Government Gazette 133/A/28-6-2006", "Greece cyber security laws and regulations latest updates", "Law 4521/2018, Article 33(3), Government Gazette 38/A/2-3-2018", "Ministry of Education: Special Education", "Greece: Separate special education needs provision in early childhood and school education", "The 20212022 academic year submission of online applications for the admission of students to public Model Schools (PS) and public Experimental Schools (PEIS) has started through the Single Digital Portal of Public Administration (", "Law 4327 Government Gazette 50/A/14-5-2015, Urgent measures for the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education and other provisions", "Model schools (PS) and experimental schools (PEIS): dates for admission applications, written entrance examinations, lottery", "School Guide for Primary and Preschool Education", Computer Technology Institute and Press (CTI) "Diophantus", "School E-Books of Primary, Gymnasium, General Lyceum, EPAL Lyceum", "Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) Book Collection", "Law 4692/2020 Government Gazette 111/A/12-6-2020", "Joint Ministerial Decree 79942/4/2019 Government Gazette 2005//31-5-2019", "Law 4763/2020, Part I, Chapter I, Article 2(10)(10), Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020", "Law 4763/2020, Chapter IX, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020", "List of Second Chance Schools in Greece", "Law 4547/2018 Government Gazette 102//12-6-2018", "Joint Ministerial Decree 2/107972/4 Government Gazette 2636/B/5-7-2018", "International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011", "ISCED-F 2013 Fields of education and training Detailed field descriptions", "Law 4610/2019, Chapter B, Article 101, Government Gazette 70/A/7-5-2019", "International University Degree Equivalents", "Law 4186/2013 Government Gazette 193//13-9-2013", "Law 4186/2013 Government Gazette 193//13-9-2013 (B)", "Law 4186/2013, Subjects of Orientation Groups of the General Lyceum", "GEL Lyceum and EPAL Lyceum Online Enrollment", "Joint Ministerial Decree 74181/2/2020 Government Gazette 2338/B/15-6-2020", "Law 4386/2016, Article 66, Government Gazette 83/A/11-5-2016", "Vocational Lyceums (EPALs) of Greece, Orientation Groups, Specialties", "Presidential Decree 40/2018 Government Gazette 76//30-4-2018", "Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) Textbooks (eBooks, Zip format, PDF)", "Establishment of the European Credit system for VET (ECVET)", "Establishment of the European Credit system for VET (ECVET) (GR)", "EU ECVET FAQs and Terminology Definitions", "European Skills/Competences, qualifications, and Occupations (ESCO)", "EU Professions falling under specific legislation", "Professional Rights and Specialties of Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) 2006(A)", "Professional Rights and Specialties of Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) 2006(B)", "Professional Rights and Specialties of Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) 2013", "Professional Rights and Specialties of Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) 2016", "Professional Rights and Merchant Navy Specialties", "Joint Ministerial Decree 153/79899/5 Government Gazette 1904//28-5-2019 Subjects of the Pan-hellenic Examinations for EPAL", "Law 4763/2020, Chapter VII, Article 43 and 44, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020", "Law 4763/2020, Chapter III, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020", "DYPA Apprenticeship Vocational School (EPAS)", "Law 49/2022 Government Gazette 75/A/18-4-2022", "Law 49/2022 Government Gazette 75/A/18-4-2022 (PDF)", "Recognition of Professional Qualifications Vocational Education and Training", "Database on financing apprenticeships in the EU Cross-country comparison", "Institute of Educational Policy (IEP) Government Gazette Collection", "DYPA Apprenticeship Vocational School (EPAS) Professional Rights of Specialties", "DYPA Apprenticeship Vocational School (EPAS) Specialties", "DYPA Apprenticeship Vocational School (EPAS): Specialties 20222023", "Article 118 of Law 4387/2016 Government Gazette 85/A/12-5-2016", "DYPA Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship Schools", "DYPA Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship School (PEPAS)", "Employment and Education Announcements of the Operational Programme: Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning", "DYPA Experimental Vocational Apprenticeship School (PEPAS) 20212022", "Language Competency Qualification Titles and Methods of Proof", "Ministry of Education: Language Competency Qualification Titles and Methods of Proof", "Statute Framework of Post-Lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class", "Establishment of Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class", "Law 4763/2020, Chapter VI, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020", "Certificate Supplements for Post-Secondary Apprenticeship Year Graduates of the Vocational High School (EPAL)", "EPAL Post-Lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class", "Post-Lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class 20192020", "Professional Rights of the Specialties of EPAL Apprenticeship Class", "Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class of EPAL Specialties", "Information System for Administrating the Post-lyceum Year Apprenticeship Class of EPAL", "Vocational Education Apprenticeship Latest Announcements", "Private and Public Schools of Meat Professions (SEK)", "Certificate of Meat Processing Technician Certificate of Animal Slaughter", "Law 4763/2020, Chapter V, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020", "Law 4186/2013, Article 23, Government Gazette 193//13-9-2013, IEK Course Offerings", "Search Machine for Master's Programmes of the Greek HEIs Universities", "University Rankings and comparison by country and by subject", "Law 3685/2008 Government Gazette 148//16-7-2008", "Academic Identity Card Application Submission via Online Service", "Academic Identity Card Useful Info: Student Greek Manuals for Online Service latest updates", "Academic Identity Card Student English Manual for Online Service (2020)", "NKUA School of Philosophy BA Programme in the Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece", "Greece getting its first English undergraduate programme", "Greece: First English-taught UG (undergraduate) programme at a public university", "Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) School of Medicine 6-year English language undergraduate programme for foreign citizens", "Aristotle University set to launch English language programme", "AUTh School of Medicine English language undergraduate programme", "University of Piraeus: English-taught aster of Science (MSc) American Studies: Politics, Strategy and Economics", "University of Piraeus Decision 20212086 Government Gazette 1403/B/8-4-2021", "Ministry of Education according to Private Colleges (A)", "Ministry of Education according to Private Colleges (B)", "Ministry of Education: List of Accredited Private Colleges in Greece", "Specific Legislations for the Greek Higher Education latest updates", "General Legislations for the Greek Higher Education latest updates", "Law 3879/2010 Government Gazette 163/A/21-9-2010", "Law 4547/2018, Article 89, Government Gazette 102/A/12-6-2018", "Law 4763/2020 Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020, Part I, Chapter I, Article 2(8) for Formal Education, 2(9) for Non-Formal Education, 2(10) for Formal Education System", "National Digital Academy by the Ministry of Digital Governance", "Greek National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs", "Citizens' Digital Academy Available via", "Digital Education Action Plan (20212027) Commission Staff Working Document", "Digital Education Action Plan (20212027)", "DigComp 2.1: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens with eight proficiency levels and examples of use", "The Digital News and Last Updates from the National Documentation Centre in Greece", "Webinar Series of the Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE)", "Educational Seminars of the Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE)", "Law 4763/2020, Part I, Chapter IX, Article 1 and 2, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020", "Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM)", "National Digital Academy of Greek Ministry of Digital Governance's Free e-Learning Short Courses from Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM) at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)", "National Digital Academy of Greek Ministry of Digital Governance", "E-Learning Short Courses from Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM) at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)", "NKUA E-Learning Short Courses from Centre of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning (KEDIVIM)", "KEDIVIM of the Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants (GSEVEE)", "Legal Framework of Post-secondary Education Centre (..)", "Law 4763/2020, Chapter VIII, Government Gazette 254/A/21-12-2020", "Hellenic Qualification Framework (HQF) of Greece", "Law 4653/2020 Government Gazette 12/A/24-1-2020", "Note Law 4653/2020 Government Gazette 12/A/24-1-2020", "Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF)", "Professional Rights and Specialties of Vocational School (EPAS)", "Professional Rights and Specialties of Technical Vocational School (TES)", "Law 4093/2012 Government Gazette 222/A/12-11-2012", "Technical Lyceum Professional Rights of Specialties", "Nautical Lyceum Professional Rights of Specialties", "Specialties of Integrated Multifarious Lyceum (19851997)", "Integrated Multifarious Lyceum Professional Rights of Specialties", "Professional Rights and Specialties of Technical Vocational Training Centre, Cycle A", "Professional Rights and Specialties of Technical Vocational Training Centre, Cycle B", "Specialties of Technical Vocational Lyceum (19851998)", "Technical Vocational Education of Greece", "Greece 'most corrupt' European Unit's country, new survey reveals", "Corruption still alive and well in post-bailout Greece", "In Greece, corruption pervades every corner of life", "National Integrity System Assessment Greece", "One in five people in parts of EU pay 'bribes' for healthcare, survey finds", "Corruption Perceptions Worldwide Index 2020", "Basel AML Index: 9th Public Edition 2020, Ranking money laundering and terrorist financing risks around the world", "Greece National Transparency Authority (EAD)", "The list of perjurers of public authorities", "Greece lawfulness of corporal punishment", "Global Initiative End All Corporal Punishment of Children Country Report for Greece", "Greece 26 January 2021 First Kindergarten School of Agios Nikolaos in Chalkida teacher Soultana Iordanopoulou expelled 4-year-old girl pupil in the cold of winter for punishment", "In Greece, Chalkida kindergarten teacher Soultana Iordanopoulou brought out in the cold a 4-year-old girl pupil prohibited her the access into the classroom Video", "Chalkida kindergarten teacher Soultana Iordanopoulou punishes a 4-year-old girl pupil sets in cold outdoor", "Soultana Iordanopoulou teacher of the First Kindergarten School, Agios Nikolaos district in Chalkida city, Evia, Greece, on 26 January 2021 punishes a 4-year-old girl pupil", "The 6.000.000 theft of Greek government agency", "Greece fourth place in school bullying amongst European countries", "Bullying and Cyberbullying across Europe - Proceedings of the 1st Scientific Conference of the European Anti-bullying Network on 11th-12th June 2015", "The Constitution of Greece The Eighth Revisionary Parliament of the Hellenes Resolves, PART II Individual and social rights Article 16 (Education, Art, Science)", "The Constitution of Greece The Eighth Revisionary Parliament of the Hellenes Resolves", "The Constitution of Greece: Article 16 (Education, Art, Science)", "The Constitution of Greece: Part I, Part II, Part III", "Article 16 of the Part , Individual and Social Rights, Constitution of Greece", Greece and the International Monetary Fund, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople,, Wikipedia articles that are too technical from May 2020, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with Greek-language sources (el), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Aesthetic Education - Theatrical Education, 2nd Foreign Language (Modern; French, Italian or German), Foreign Language (Modern; French, or German), Introduction to the Principles of Computer Science, Orientation Group (Elective) of Second Grade, (One Orientation Group is chosen out of two), Orientation Group (Elective Academic Track) of Third Grade, (One Orientation Group is chosen out of three), Economic and Computer Studies Group III, Introduction to the Principles of Science of Computers, Three Elective Subjects (each subject is 2 hours/week), Orientation Group (Elective Academic Track), Each Grade has 32 Weeks and 35 Total Weekly Hours, Forestry protection specialist Beekeeping Poultry farming Greenhouse specialist Organic and ecological farming Technological applications and installations for floriculture and landscape architecture Mechatronics specialist for agricultural machinery repair and maintenance, Nutrition and dietetics Food and beverage technology, Management secretary Distribution specialist Customer service specialist Secretary of legal professions Teiresias/Individuals with vision problems/call centre operators, Sales clerk Warehouse and supply system clerk (logistics) Supplies and warehouse manager Insurance services clerk Bookstore clerk Computerized accounting office clerk (accountancy) Small business clerk Bank operations clerk Accounting office clerk Publishing house clerk Real estate agent / manager International commerce specialist Stock exchange operations clerk Industry - small business cost specialist Marketing and product promotion specialist Administrative and financial business specialist Statistical market research and polling specialist, Internet technician Information Technology (IT) applications specialist (multimedia, web design and development, video games) Computer systems technician Computer networks technician Multimedia applications technician Medical Information Technology (IT) applications technician Computer and office electronic machines technician System management and intranet / internet services technician Telecommunications and information transmission systems technician, Material control technician Technician of medicines, cosmetics and similar products, Clothing styling Clerical tailor Costume and fashion designer Technician of shoemaking, leatherwear and leather accessories, Structural projects Plastering Dry lining Painter Welder Masory and bricklaying Geographical Information Systems (GIS) specialist Topographical applications, Gaseous fuels technician Automotive technician Mechatronics technician Heating facilities technician HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) installations technician Moped and motorcycle technician Work machinery technician Thermal and hydraulic facilities technician Water supply and sewage facilities technician Automotive paint and body (coachwork) repair technician Marine engines and recreational boats technician Computer numerical control (CNC) machine tool technician, Elevator technician Automation technician Medical instruments technician Automotive electrical technician Household appliances electrician Power engines winding technician Technician of measuring instruments Technician of internal electrical installations-facilities Assembly technician of small electronic devices Computer and office electronic machines technician Mobile telephony and telecommunications technician Electronic engineering technician for industrial applications Radio-Television and electro-acoustic arrangements technician Telecommunications and information transmission systems technician, Merchant navy master (captain) for recreational vessels (leisure), Sports journalism Journalism editor and reporter Radio station programme producer Film-camera operator/videographer, Bartending Culinary art (cookery) Bakery and pastry Catering units services Hospitality animator Hospitality event management Tourism units and hospitality businesses (front office / reception, floor service / housekeeping, commodity education), Pharmacy aide Midwifery aide Ergotherapy aide Physiotherapy aide Nursing surgery aide General nursing aide Dental technician aide Medical laboratory aide Nursing traumatology aide Aide of actinology and radiology Special diseases nursing aide Oncology disease nursing aide Infant and child carer aide General nursing aide of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Rescuer of ambulance crew, Mosaic and stained glass Ceramics and pottery Watchmaking (horology) Acting in theatre and cinematography Drama arts direction Dance applied arts Music and song Music technology Sound recording Photography Painting art Art of sketch, illustration, graphics Metalworking Hagiography painting (Byzantine icons and mural) Jewellery design and handmade jewellery (designer and maker) Conservation of antiquities and works of art Painting conservation woodcraft and furniture making 3D Animation and graphic electronic design Graphic designer of print and electronic media Interior architectural decoration and objects design, Aromatherapy Hairdressing (hairdresser and barber) Cosmetologist, aesthetics and make-up (make-up beautician) Podology, nail beauty (manicure, pedicure) and onychoplasty Balneotherapy hydrotherapy and spa Balneotherapy thalassotherapy and spa Sport coach Oenology and winegrowing Milk processing Mount tourist guide Carnival constructions Persons (close protection officer) and sites security specialist Guard of museums and archaeological sites Trainer of candidade drivers of car and motocycle Air transoprt service specialist (flight dispatcher) Technical operator for personal computer and call centers, customer information and service for blind and visually impaired Preschool education activities of creation and expression, Business Administrative Services - Secretaries, Computer Programmers (of Secondary Education), Assistant Technicians of Biological and Medical Laboratories, Electricians of General Electrical Applications, Technician of Agri-food Societies and Agricultural Holdings, Technician of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Technician of Arboriculture and Horticulture, Model Gymnasium (public; to enter, students must pass certain written examinations), Experimental Gymnasium (public; students are selected randomly), Music Gymnasium (to enter this type of school students must pass certain musical exams), Art Gymnasium (to enter this type of school students must pass certain exams on either arts, dance, or theater; 2004Present), Principles of Linear and Architectural Design, Basic Principles of Composition (Applied Arts), Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Structural Works, Environment and Architectural Design, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Technician of Automotive Body (coachwork), Technician of Gaseous Fuels (physical gas), Technician of Automotive Electrical Systems, Technician of Automotive Engines and Systems, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Machine Tool, Technician of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Works, Phytotechnology Business and Landscaping Architecture, Technician of Thermal and Hydraulic Installations-Facilities, Graphic Arts Digital Design for Print Media (print publications), Graphic Arts and Printing (offset printing machine for typography), Technician of Electronic Appliances, Installations and Informatics Units, Medical - Biological Laboratories Assistant, Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, Clerk of Administration and Financial Services, Warehouse and Supply System Clerk (logistics), Technician of Computers and Computer Networks, Information Technology Applications Technician, Technician of Structural Works and Geoinformatics, Floriculture and Landscape Architecture Technician, Mechanical Installations and Constructions Technician, Technician of Electrical Systems, Installations and Networks, Dental Assistant (also referred to as Dental Nursing Assistant), Technician of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Installations, Technician of Electronics and Computer Systems, Installations, Networks and Telecommunications, Technician of Thermal and Hydraulic Installations-Facilities, Petroleum Technology and Physical Gas, The Institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (INSETE) provides freely online webinar series.
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