Love is the wild card of existence. His task is to exercise civilian control over the Department for the Commander-in-Chief and the country. Kurt Vonnegut, Sadly, a U.S. invasion of Iraq 'would threaten the whole stability of the Middle East' - or so Amr Moussa, secretary-general of the Arab League, told the BBC on Tuesday. Ban Ki-moon, And the Marshall Plan, to us, meant a general who had turned into a secretary of state, and that the secretary of state saw the necessity of the reconstruction of these European countries that had suffered so heavily. He called for a "whole new approach" to shift from the current trend of spending more time and resources to conflict rather than preventing them. Responsibility without power, the fate of the secretary through the ages. People need peace. I am my own secretary; I dictate, I compose, I copy all myself. Margaret Thatcher, The Obama administration asked General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner to step down, and he agreed. Explore 480 Secretary Quotes by authors including Nikola Tesla, Margaret Thatcher, and Liz Truss at BrainyQuote. Maurice Strong, The word "people" is unpleasant to me. 320 East 43rd Street, 3rd Floor IMDb OriginalsIMDb Picks. A quote from UN Secretary General Antnio Guterres "Young people are on the frontlines of the struggle to build a better future for all." Tell me your story. Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union. But the window is rapidly closing. Phone: 202.887.9040 Malcolm Turnbull. Every press secretary faces an enormous amount of information. However, Polk, encouraging the Texans to accept annexation, had assured them he would uphold their claims to the Rio Grande. Madam Secretary ran on CBS from September 21, 2014 to December 8, 2019. When governments, the United Nations, businesses, philanthropies and civil society work hand-in-hand, we can achieve great things. They never did that when secretary generals were white. It was not at all clear that the Rio Grande was the southern boundary of Texas, although Texas had forced the defeated Mexican general Santa Anna to say so when he was a prisoner. Votes: 2. UN secretary general describes war in Ukraine as 'absurdity' in 21st Something vague that we're not seeing, something more like a feeling. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres cautiously welcomed an agreement on climate change at Cop26 on Saturday. Leon Trotsky, When they called me with the Nobel call from Secretary General of the Swedish Academy it was twenty minutes to six and he said well that was well hope I'm not disturbing you but I am the Secretary General of the Swedish Academy. His order to General Taylor to move troops to the Rio Grande was a challenge to the Mexicans. In this role and as a member of the Senior Leadership Team, Marisa will be responsible for providing advice and support to both SJW and its subsidiaries, along with their boards of directors in the areas of legal and risk management, corporate governance . The stability of the Middle East is unique in the non-democratic world and it's the lack of change in Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt that's turned them into a fetid swamp of terrorist bottom-feeders. And I am glad that, over the last few years, we've had more regular, and increasingly constructive, political discussions in NATO on a wider range of issues. The solidarity envisioned in the United Nations Charter is being devoured by the acids of nationalism and self-interest. United Nations Secretary General Quotes Thank You To Secretary: 210+ Best Messages And Quotes All defense secretaries in wartime have, needless to say, made misjudgments. "19 Unforgettable Quotes From Retiring General James 'Mad Dog' Mattis" by Geoffrey Ingersoll and Paul Szoldra, He served as Norwegian Foreign minister during the critical years of the Norwegian government in exile in London from 1940 to 1945. SG/SM/21553. Copyright 2022 Famous Quotes & Sayings. 1. The revenge of history is more powerful than the revenge of the most powerful General Secretary. I also visited Nagasaki. We learn that Mrs. Clinton collaborated closely with the man who was at the time the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, through a series of high-level meetings that came to be known as "The Istanbul Process." You're responsible for a tremendous amount of information, and again, a tremendous amount on competing agendas. That's embarrassing run an organization that loses billions of dollars and then get fired by a guy who heads up an organization that loses trillions of dollars. 1. Author: Chuck Palahniuk. That same day John Yoo, now a deputy to Attorney General Ashcroft, advised the White House that the laws against torture did not apply to American interrogators. I am fortunate to live in a country where war is a distant . Definition of secretary general in the dictionary. In a well functioning world, tools and agents are complementary. Harold Holzer, We can no longer stand for the Security Council passing resolutions and then in effect heaving alongside and taking a vacation. Revolution can wait till the morning. Home | The Secretary-General | European Parliament "(b) Eligible employer.For purposes of this section, the term 'eligible employer' has the meaning given the term by section 408(p)(2)(C)(i) (without regard to subclause (II . Lord Hastings Lionel Ismay was NATO's first Secretary General, a position he was initially reluctant to accept. Yet no one has ever brought in a bill to give home rule to England! Ban Ki-moon, To understand my feelings - and my conception of the role of Secretary General - the nature of my religious and cultural background must first be understood. He rapidly grew worse, and died in about four days. And so while the great ones depart to their dinner, the secretary stays, growing thinner and thinner, racking his brain to record and report what he thinks that they think that they ought to have thought. The series aired 120 episodes. All Rights Reserved. Kevin Rudd, As I prepare for my second term as Secretary-General, I am thinking hard about how we can meet the expectations of the millions of people who see the U.N.'s blue flag as a banner of hope. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, the first Egyptian, Arab and African UN Secretary General, passed away on Tuesday at the age of 93. Full text of UN Secretary General's Cop26 statement From Pakistan, I am issuing a global appeal: stop the madness; end the war with nature; invest in renewable energy now. "Er, but who would we play? The Friends group was formed in June 2010 to support G20 and APEC leaders' commitments to phase out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies. Secretary General Campaign Quotes. All defense secretaries in wartime have, needless to say, made misjudgments. Information is liberating. Henry S. Foote, at the base of the Washington Monument. Title. Robert M. Gates, Wow, bad news. I went down on one knee and dictated a proposal which my secretary faxed over straight away. Vladimir Lenin. As long as such weapons exist, so, too, will the risks of use and proliferation. Here are some of his quotes: 1. The UN Secretary-General speaks - United Nations Statement by the Secretary-General - on Ukraine What does secretary general mean? The Lord Chancellor is a Scot [Viscount Finlay]; so are the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Foreign Secretary [Bonar Law and Arthur Balfour]. Ban Ki-moon, The revenge of history is more powerful than the revenge of the most powerful General Secretary. U Thant, Weiss' account of the leading role in this campaign to limit Americans' free speech rights played by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the U.S. Department of State is particularly troubling. Ban Ki-moon, The revenge of history is more powerful than the revenge of the most powerful General Secretary. Don Siegelman, Gender equality and women's empowerment have been a top priority for me from day one as Secretary-General. 01/07/2022. Ban Ki-moon, This war will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongol massacres and the Crusades. Climate scientists tell us it's not too late to keep alive the 1.5 degree goal of the Paris Climate Agreement. They must also assure States that do not have nuclear weapons that they will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against them. United Nations Secretary-General Appoints Faisal Shahkar of Pakistan United Nations Police Adviser in Department of Peace Operations. He would give this reply: 'Mr. It was said that he sent for his son-in-law, Surgeon Wood, United States Army, stationed in Baltimore, and declined medical assistance from anybody else. - by Arab League Secretary General Abdul Rahman Azzam Sol Stern, In the White House now was James Polk, a Democrat, an expansionist, who, on the night of his inauguration, confided to his Secretary of the Navy that one of his main objectives was the acquisition of California. Girl, Making Money, Busy. Michael Ignatieff, Ever since I became NATO Secretary General, I have emphasised the need for enhanced political dialogue among the Allies. I fully support U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in his Global Education First Initiative and the work of U.N. Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown and the respectful president of the U.N. General Assembly Vuk . UN Secretary-General Antnio Guterres says a report published today by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a "code red for humanity.". 631 Tempting General Secretary Quotes | good secretary, school I don't have any assistants, I do it all myself, I don't have any secretaries. The Turn of the Tide: A History of the War Years Based on the Diares of Field-Marshal Lord Alanbrooke, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Frank Loesser (2003). The United Nations secretary general has warned that the world is "on the edge of an abyss and moving in the wrong direction" in an urgent and sometimes angry address to the world's leaders . The revenge of history is more powerful than the revenge of the most powerful General Secretary. Lyndon B. Johnson, In my opinion, any future defense secretary who advises the president to again send a big American land army into Asia or into the Middle East or Africa should 'have his head examined,' as General MacArthur so delicately put it. John Hay Beith, Rowl reminded himself that cats were eternally patient, and that he would not simply explode if he did not fling himself from Littlemouse's arms and go exploring. The General Assembly is a unique organ. As fractures deepen and trust evaporates, we need to . Lyndon B. Johnson, In my opinion, any future defense secretary who advises the president to again send a big American land army into Asia or into the Middle East or Africa should 'have his head examined,' as General MacArthur so delicately put it. All 12 of them: ". The Tim Weiner, I fully support U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in his Global Education First Initiative and the work of U.N. Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown and the respectful president of the U.N. General Assembly Vuk Jeremic. I should therefore like to outline not only my beliefs but also my conception of human institutions and of the human situation itself. Chasing the sensation. If you want to know more or withdraw your consent to all or some of the cookies, please refer to the, Sir Arthur Bryant, Alan Brooke Alanbrooke (Viscount) (1957). Ban Ki-moon. He would give this reply: 'Mr. The traditional border between Texas and Mexico had been the Nueces River, about 150 miles to the north, and both Mexico and the United States had recognized that as the border. Returning from the celebration much heated and fatigued, he partook too freely of his favorite iced milk with cherries, and during that night was seized with a severe colic, which by morning had quite prostrated him. Russia hates Israel, too. Trygve Halvdan Lie was a Norwegian politician, labour leader, government official and author. Sadly, we know the terrible humanitarian consequences from the use of even one weapon. The Trump Administration has demonstrated repeatedly that it is willing to disregard the Constitution, defy decades of clear precedent, and invent frivolous new arguments to delay and obstruct Congress' oversight authority, and Attorney General ( William) Barr and Secretary ( Wilbur) Ross are complicit in this cover-up, both Secretary Ross and Attorney Attorney General-LRB- William -RRB- Barr . But by acting as one, we can nurture fragile shoots of hope So, lets develop common solutions to common problems grounded in goodwill, trust, and the rights shared by every human being. Mr. Ewing visited him several times, and was manifestly uneasy and anxious, as was also his son-in-law, Major Bliss, then of the army, and his confidential secretary. So do the Europeans. (name), of course. Thoughts on the UN Secretary-General's quote? 7 Quotes from Antnio Guterres | SJW Group (NYSE: SJW) announced today that Marisa Joss has joined the company as Deputy General Counsel and Assistant Corporate Secretary. Joseph McMonigle, secretary general of the International Energy Forum, says energy security should not be considered a "short-term thing.". Though frequently mentioned as a Republican candidate for president, Robert shunned electoral politics. | Contact Us Howard Zinn, I had been secretary of state for eight years, attorney general for four years, lieutenant governor for four years, and governor for four years - I had all these friends around the country - so I thought I could gin up a campaign not for me but against George W. Bush, against his war, against his economic policies, and against his education policies. Government will not nominate the former Labor prime minister [Kevin Rudd] to be the UN's next secretary-general. I want to assure the members of this Council and the Secretary-General, the United Nations can count on our full support in this task. The UN secretary general has described the war in Ukraine as "an absurdity" in the 21st century on a visit to the scene of civilian killings outside Kyiv, as Russia warned the west that . Mark Steyn, On August 1, the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel granted the CIA's request to begin water-boarding Abu Zubaydah. 15. p. 74, 1978. - General Norman Schwarzkopf, U.S. Army. Giving the middle class their lunch back. 6 Copy quote. Enjoy reading and share 51 famous quotes about Secretary General with everyone. 3. Always be nice to secretaries. Maurice Strong, The word "people" is unpleasant to me. Votes: 2. Mohammed Hanif, As a former U.S. attorney general under President Reagan, and a former Ohio secretary of state, we would like to say something that might strike some as obvious: Those who oppose photo voter-ID laws and other election-integrity reforms are intent on making it easier to commit vote fraud. Ben Stein, I was with Ted Turner when he came to see Kofi Annan - the Secretary-General of the UN - to announce his decision to put $1 billion to the service of UN projects and programs. I thank them for the leadership they continue to give. Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! So the effect of the court may well be to diminish, not increase, the numbers of (in the words of the UN Secretary General) 'innocents of distant wars and conflicts'. "Ask him about the cemeteries, Dean!". Its explicit purpose was to find ways to accommodate the OIC's demands for the official stifling of any critical examination of Islam. Academic Level . Quotes containing the term: secretary general The Lord Chancellor is a Scot [Viscount Finlay]; so are the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Foreign Secretary [Bonar Law and Arthur Balfour]. Harold Holzer, I take very seriously my responsibility as Secretary-General to make sure that the United Nations is doing everything it can to uphold the universal prohibition on the use of chemical weapons. . Is this because the secretary general of the United Nations [Ghanaian Kofi Annan] is now a black man? Secretary General Quotes: top 17 famous quotes about Secretary General Explore some of Olympic Committee Secretary General best quotations and sayings on -- such as 'We would like to thank the IAAF for the trust they have placed in us and guarantee to deliver on our commitments, We extend our warmest appreciation to the teams from Eugene and Barcelona for their friendship, fair play and respect throughout the bidding process.
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