The flyer explained in broken Icelandic that British forces were occupying the city and asked for co-operation in dealing with local Germans. [17][18], Assisting arms provided to the force consisted of two 3.7-inch mountain howitzers, four QF 2 pounder naval guns, and two 4-inch coastal defence guns. On 7 July, Britain persuaded the Althing to approve an American occupation force, and TF 19 anchored off Reykjavk that evening. The British forces began their operations in Reykjavk by posting a guard at the post office and attaching a flyer to the door. The German diplomatic presence in Iceland, along with the island's strategic importance, alarmed the UK government. The Keflavk Agreement signed during 1946 between the US and the Republic of Iceland stipulated that the American army would leave the country within six months, and Iceland would take possession of Keflavk Airport. At its height it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the . At the start of the war, Britain imposed strict export controls on Icelandic goods, preventing profitable shipments to Germany, as part of its naval blockade. [34][35], At 03:40, an Icelandic policeman saw a small fleet of warships approaching the harbour, but could not discern their nationality. With the continuing squeeze on military resources, American personnel started to replace British personnel as early as summer 1941, before the USA even entered the war. The British Invasion was the term applied by the news mediaand subsequently by consumersto the influx of rock and roll, beat and pop performers from the United Kingdom who became popular in the United States and Canada.The classic British Invasion period was 1964 to 1967 (roughly bracketed by The Beatles' appearance on Ed Sullivan and the emergence of Jimi Hendrix as a U.S.-born . The forces made arrangements all over the country to hinder a German invasion and large construction projects followed, including roads, Reykjavik airport and an enormous number of Nissen huts which later provided cheap, albeit not quality, housing for Reykjaviks growing population. [31] Seeing that the approaching fleet was about to violate Icelandic neutrality in two ways, Arnalds began to investigate. But that does not suggest Iceland's role in World War II is any less interesting and bittersweet to say that least. The invasion took place because the British government feared that Iceland would be used by the Germans, who had recently overrun Denmark, which was in personal union with Iceland and which had previously been largely responsible for Iceland's foreign policy. The German diplomatic presence in Iceland, along with the island's strategic importance, alarmed the UK government. He then hastened to report to the Prime Minister, who ordered him not to interfere with the British troops and to try to prevent conflicts between them and Icelanders. Iceland then, as now, had no military of its own. To avoid drawing attention to itself, the force was divided into two different trains for the journey, but due to delays in rail travel, the troops arrived at the railway station in Greenock about the same time, losing the small degree of anonymity desired. Colonel Robert Sturges was assigned to command the force. [10], The British planned to land all of their forces at Reykjavk. Relations with the occupying forces remained friendly for the most part. This did not happen for decades, and a substantial US military presence remained in Iceland until 30 September 2006. [37] Customs officers were ordered to prepare a boat. This did not happen for decades, and a substantial US military presence remained in Iceland until 30 September 2006. Britain had imposed trade restrictions on Iceland to prevent free trade with Germany, and on May 10, 1940, Operation Fork went into effect, the British invasion and occupation of Iceland, preempting the Germans from doing so first. [3] The newly initiated Kingdom of Iceland declared itself a neutral country without a defence force. Uncomfortable with the crowd, Consul Shepherd turned to the Icelandic police. On the evening of 10 May, the government of Iceland issued a protest, charging that its neutrality had been "flagrantly violated" and "its independence infringed", noting that compensation would be expected for all damage done. Nordic states, 1939-1945. On 9 April 1940, German forces began Operation Weserbung, invading both Norway and Denmark. Requisitioning local means of transportation, the troops moved to Hvalfjrur, Kaldaarnes, Sandskei and Akranes to secure landing areas against the possibility of a German counterattack. [15] They lacked searchlights, communication equipment and gun directors. In this the invasion was successful. During 1918, after a long period of Danish rule, Iceland had become an independent state in personal union with the Danish king and with common foreign affairs. There was a shortage of weapons, which consisted only of rifles, pistols, and bayonets, while 50 of the marines had only just received their rifles and had not had a chance to fire them. [17][18] They lacked searchlights, communication equipment, and gun directors. The invasion began in the early morning of 10 May 1940 with British troops disembarking in Reykjavk, capital of neutral Iceland. Iceland was invited to join Britain in the war "as a belligerent and an ally." Aged 49, he was a highly regarded veteran of World War I, having fought in the battle of Gallipoli and the battle of Jutland. Fairchild, Byron (2000 (reissue from 1960)). British Invasion, Musical movement. amazon relay early access. Conversely, it would also prove a very valuable Allied base from which to guard North Atlantic shipping convoys bringing essential supplies to Allied-controlled Europe from North America. The feasibility of this plan is seemingly apparent when studying history. King Christian X was said by Time magazine to be "less unpopular in Iceland than any other Danish sovereign has ever been". He notified his superior, who notified Einar Arnalds, the acting chief of police. [31] Down at the harbour, he viewed the ships for himself and decided they were probably British. The Icelandic government rejected the offer. [12], The British planned to land all of their forces at Reykjavk. Local Germans, who were thought to have some arms, might resist or even attempt some sort of coup. The UK invaded to forestall a German occupation, to provide a base for naval and air patrols, and to protect merchant shipping lanes from North America to Europe. The invasion of Iceland (codenamed Operation Fork) by the Royal Navy and Royal Marines occurred on 10 May 1940, during World War II.The invasion took place because the British government feared that Iceland would be used by the Germans, who had recently overrun Denmark, which was in personal union with Iceland and which had previously been largely responsible for Iceland's foreign policy. The initial force of 746 Royal Marines commanded by Colonel Robert Sturges disembarked at the capital Reykjavk. However, the presence of British, Canadian, and US troops had a lasting impact on the country. Excluding those, the invasion force consisted of 746 troops. The Beatles' triumphant arrival in New York City on February 7, 1964, opened America's doors to a wealth of British musical talent. The War Cabinet approved the plan. Foreign troop numbers in some years equalled 25 percent of the population or almost 50 percent of the native male population. After failing to persuade the Icelandic government to join the Allies, the UK invaded on the morning of 10 May 1940.British invasion of Iceland. Jnasson gave him orders not to interfere with the British troops and to try to prevent conflicts between them and Icelanders. Departure was delayed until 8 May, and even then a large amount of equipment and supplies had to be left on the piers. However, the initial invasion force was ill-equipped, only partially trained and insufficient to the task of occupation and defence of the island. It would be hard to imagine a more bloodless invasion: the only fatality was the suicide . Uncomfortable with the crowd, Consul Shepherd turned to the Icelandic police. The 800-strong invasion force entered Reykjavk harbour and landed ashore to no resistance. On the next day, 10 April, the Icelandic parliament, the Alingi, declared Danish King Christian X unable to perform his constitutional duties and assigned them to the government of Iceland, along with all other responsibilities previously carried out by Denmark on behalf of Iceland. Departure was delayed until 8 May, and even then a large amount of equipment and supplies had to be left on the piers. Icelanders were and remain divided about the war and occupation what is sometimes referred to as "blessa stri" or "the Blessed War". All parties considered it a necessary and prudent step to forestall a German invasion. Though there was a nucleus of active service officers, the troops were new recruits and only partially trained. [35] A small crowd had assembled, including several policemen still waiting for the customs boat. They said they wanted Iceland to avoid the German occupation that had befallen both Denmark and Norway. This page was last updated at 2022-08-16 14:23 UTC. The far right in Germany isnt all angry young men with shaved heads, baseball bats and black boots. On the morning of 7 May, the force headed to the harbour in Greenock, where they met the cruisers Berwick and Glasgow, which would take them to Iceland. Local Germans, who were thought to have some arms, might resist or even attempt some sort of coup. In addition, a German invasion force might already be prepared or begun immediately after the British landings. The British consul had received advance notice of the invasion and was waiting with his associates to assist the troops when they arrived. In my home country of Iceland that same day, 80 years ago, is remembered for a very different reason. Consul Gerlach opened, protested against the invasion and reminded the British that Iceland was a neutral country. The seasickness and inexperience of the troops were causing delays and the officers were becoming frustrated. Iceland was invited to join the UK in the war "as a belligerent and an ally." Prime Minister of Iceland Hermann Jnasson was alerted about the aircraft, as were the Icelandic Police. U.S. Army personnel began arriving in Iceland in August, and the marines had been transferred to the Pacific by March, 1942. After failing to persuade the Icelandic government to join the Allies, the UK invaded on the morning of 10 May 1940. Canada declares war on Japan, Finland, Hungary, and Romania. [citation needed] To guard against a German counterattack by sea, they would secure the harbour and send troops by land to nearby Hvalfjrur. he asked. [19], On 6 May, Force Sturges boarded trains for Greenock on the Firth of Clyde. The Reichsbrger movement includes accountants, teachers and academics; many members are middle-aged. Preparations would have to take place on route. He and military commanders stated from the first day that the occupation was not an attempt to bring Iceland into the British Empire and was entirely a military manoeuvre against Germany rather than against Iceland or Denmark. Earlier in the day, Iceland's Ambassador, Niels Sigurdsson, delivered a strong protest to the British Foreign Office against the British decision Sattirday to send frigates into the disputed waters. Werner Gerlach[de], the German consul, was also alerted to the aircraft. On 9 April 1940, German forces launched Operation Weserbung, invading both Norway and Denmark. For the 1627 raid, see. Iceland was formally handed over from the British to the Americans in 1942 and London never needed to live up to its word on leaving the country at the end of the war. The expedition was organised hastily and haphazardly. After these initial provisions, British diplomats arrived at the small 18th The U.S. Navy remained at Naval Air Station Keflavik until 2006. Due to the severe seasickness, transporting the troops between ships and on to land took longer than expected. [9], As the strong military situation in Norway deteriorated, the Admiralty came to the conclusion that Britain could no longer do without bases in Iceland. If by chance a Danish patrol vessel were present in Reykjavk, the Danish sailors might assist the defenders. Iceland was part of Denmark from it's conquest until it's independence in 1918, however it still was under danish influence until WWII when it was occupied by the UK after the nazis occupied Denmark and in 1944 it became a republic, a status that continues until this day. Following the invasion and occupation of Denmark on 9 April 1940, British forces launched "Operation Valentine" to occupy the Faroe Islands. [36] The laws of neutrality to which Iceland had committed forbade more than three warships from a belligerent nation from making use of a neutral harbour at the same time. [29] With the use of binoculars, he confirmed his fears and then hurried back. The principal aim of the flight was to scout the vicinity of Reykjavk for enemy submarines, which the Naval Intelligence Division had convinced itself were operating out of Icelandic harbours. Among them was the British consul who asked a policeman whether he would mind asking people to stand back so that the soldiers could disembark from the destroyer. This past Sunday, 10th May, marked precisely 80 years since British forces occupied Iceland during the Second World War. A German-controlled Iceland would have proven a strategic base for a possible Nazi invasion of North America, the Allies reasoned. [24][38] Just before 05:00, Fearless, loaded with about 400 marines, began moving toward the harbour. [8], Alexander Cadogan, British Permanent Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, diary entry for May 4, 1940. After the German invasion of Denmark and Norway, the British government became increasingly concerned that Germany would soon try to establish a military presence in Iceland. We however never got used to your food, apart from fish and chips made from Icelandic cod. The invasion of Iceland by the Royal Navy and Royal Marines occurred on the 10th of May 1940. On 6 May, Force Sturges boarded trains for Greenock on the Firth of Clyde. [5] Nevertheless, the great majority of Icelanders were eager to establish a republic. Meeting no resistance, the troops moved quickly to disable communication networks, secure strategic locations, and arrest German citizens. [19] Additionally, security had been compromised by a dispatch in the clear and by the time the troops arrived in Greenock, everyone knew that the destination was Iceland. [37] He then hastened to report to the Prime Minister. The British were also worried that the Germans might airlift troops, as they had done with great success in their Norwegian Campaign. The departure date was moved to 8 May and even then, a large amount of equipment and supplies had to be left on the piers. There was, however, German interest in seizing Iceland. [33] Customs officers were ordered to prepare a boat. A commanding officer noticed the incident and reprimanded the marine. [3] By 1928, all Icelandic political parties were in agreement that the union treaty would be terminated as soon as possible. Arriving at the consulate, the British troops were relieved to find no sign of resistance and simply knocked on the door. Suspecting what was about to happen, he drove down to the harbour with a German associate. Churchill maintained that if further negotiations with the Icelandic government were attempted, the Germans might learn of them and act first. In 1941, the Icelandic Minister of the Judiciary investigated "The Situation", and the police tracked 500+ women who had been having sex with the soldiers. Though sovereign since 1918, Iceland remained a part of the Kingdom of Denmark and had only taken control of its own foreign affairs for the first time in April 1940, when Denmark was invaded by Nazi forces. In a postwar interview, Walter Warlimont claimed that "Hitler definitely was interested in occupying Iceland prior to [British] occupation. [15] The guns were manned by troops from the artillery divisions of the Navy and the marines, none of whom had ever fired them. In addition, a German invasion force might already be under way or launched immediately following the British landings. The Americans would keep a permanent military presence in Iceland, with local consent, until 2006. "Would you mind getting the crowd to stand back a bit, so that the soldiers can get off the destroyer?" British troops left shortly after the end of the war. The Icelandic government rejected the offer.[6]. Initial British targets for the 1940 Invasion of Iceland : Reykjavk along with its harbour and seaplane landing site (Vatnagarar), nearby landing grounds at Sandskei and Kaldaarnes to the east, the nearby anchorage at Hvalfjrur to the north, the harbour at Akureyri in the far north, and the nearby landing grounds at Melgeri . In the mid 1960s the popularity of a number of British rock-and-roll ("beat") groups spread rapidly to the U.S., beginning with the triumphant arrival of Liverpool's Beatles in New York in 1964 and continuing with the Rolling Stones, the Animals, and others. U.S. Marines commenced landing on 8 July, and disembarkation was completed on 12 July.