The Florida Department of Health is working alongside the Office of the Attorney General to oversee compliance with these laws.. Public employers, including educational or governmental institutions, are prohibited from imposing COVID-19 vaccination Such risks include the security of information at the point it is collected and how that information is used and protected over time and guarded against inappropriate use or disclosure. Departments. [58], Networks of institutional investors committed to curbing climate change have emerged, where in institutional investors are agreeing to hold themselves accountable to climate action targets. Commonly sought authorities are as follows: Additional examples are in Commonly Sought Authorities and Approvals. provide ministers with the total cost of the proposal, by year and in total, the funding requirements, and the related source of funds to finance the proposal (indicate what the range of potential costs are, what confidence levels were used to determine the cost estimate range, and when greater certainty can be expected). As of April 2019 there are over 2,350 PRI Signatories.[61]. Microfinance services are designed to reach excluded The specific measures taken to address these issues and risks are described in [insert name of the relevant section of the submission]. [62] As of October 2019, 97 adopting financial institutions in 37 countries had officially adopted the Equator Principles,[63] the majority of international Project Finance debt in emerging and developed markets. The template includes the updated sections for the public service, RCMP members and CAF members. greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, waste management, water management) but some of the chief areas are listed below: The body of research providing evidence of global trends in climate change has led investorspension funds, holders of insurance reservesto begin to screen investments in terms of their impact on the perceived factors of climate change. In: Jordan, A.J. a clear sense of the total cost of the initiative (to the nearest dollar), by year, the source of funds to finance the initiative, illustrates how a capital asset is consumed or a liability is liquidated over time, provides the anticipated impact on the governments overall Statement of Operations and Accumulated Deficit/Surplus. Risks associated with bilateral or multilateral relationships or engagement with other levels of government (e.g., municipal, provincial/territorial, Indigenous, international) should be considered. TBS determines which specific elements are required for a submission. For example, will a new program be able to reach the targeted population, or will it not be able to meet demand? Information and resources to help businesses prepare a COVIDSafe Plan Intervention includes both physical procedures by which data are gathered (for example, venipuncture) and manipulations of the subject or the subject's They both aim to integrate environmental performance in real property, fleets and the procurement process, including planning, acquisition, use and disposal. Wavering political support for 'sustained growth' and/or 'sustainable development' continued for some years and reveals just how ambivalent attitudes were to the concept. Earthscan: London and Sterling, VA. Eising, R. and Lehringer, S. (2010) 'Interest groups and the European Union', in M. Cini and N. Prez-Solrzano Borragn (eds) European Union Politics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp189-206. indirect costs of internal services that provide support to the initiative, including the following services: management and oversight, such as internal audit and evaluation, service and digital (for topics covered by the, acquisition/disposal of real property/materiel assets, financing costs (for example, revolving funds must pay interest on use of the draw-down authority), contingency provisions (intended to provide flexibility to accommodate unforeseen cost increases due to factors other than changes in the scope), GST or HST and land transfer or other applicable taxes when costing projects, contracts, leases or real property transactions, foregone revenues (for example, interest on debt deletion), reflect the total cost of the initiative, be considered independently of funding considerations, funding earmarked in the fiscal framework, funding that will be cost-recovered and deposited to the Consolidated Revenue Fund as non-respendable revenue (this source of funds should be described as funding earmarked in the fiscal framework to be fully offset by deposits to the Consolidated Revenue Fund), funds that originate from another department that will be transferred to your department to help fund the initiative, the key stakeholders engaged in developing the cost estimate, the departments assessment of the quality of the cost estimate and a supporting rationale, the key cost drivers and whether the Government of Canada or the department can control them, the rules or assumptions that are most critical to the credibility of the cost estimate (refer to the, the uncertainties and risks that have the most significant impact on the cost estimate, whether they are controllable by the Government of Canada or the department, and mitigation strategies, the range of the cost estimate based on an analysis of uncertainty and risk, the approach to establish a contingency for cost overruns, the validation process to help assess whether the cost estimate is comprehensive, accurate and unbiased (for example, a comparison with the results of an independent cost estimate or the cost of comparable initiatives in the public, private or not-for-profit sectors), the source of funds and strategy for the operation, maintenance and disposal or wind-down of the system, real property or asset being acquired, the key drivers of incremental costs, or cost savings, between the current initiative and any existing systems, real property or assets that will be replaced by the current initiative. A table on initiative outcomes should describe the following: The table on initiative outcomes should include the following: See the Guidance for the table on initiative outcomes below for information on how to present GBA+ indicators. Simply stating that a target is to be determined with no rationalization is not appropriate for a TB submission. and Adelle, C. (eds) Environmental Policy in the European Union: Contexts, Actors and Policy Dynamics (3e). Explain the methodology used to identify and assess the risks related your initiative. EU environmental policy is shaped by a variety of actors including all of the main EU institutions as well as lobby groups which makeup the wider Brussels policy making community. This change in both the stakes of and the key struggle in agenda setting strategies, marks a shift from 'new issues' to 'ongoing or recurring concerns'. Other conservative proposals include reports on charitable contributions and board nominee ideological diversity. The world's financial markets have all leapt to provide ESG relevant ratings indexes, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, the FTSE4Good Index (which is co-owned by the London Stock Exchange and Financial Times[80]), Bloomberg ESG data,[81] the MSCI ESG Indices[82] and the GRESB benchmarks[83], European regulators have introduced concrete rules to deal with the problem of greenwashing. and C. Adelle (ed.) changes to the structure, size, location or accommodation of a government organization? When considering the risks to the plan being implemented as expected, drafters should include the departments capacity to deliver, notably the staff needed (timing, availability and required expertise), to spend allocated funds according to established timelines. Target: Can be a single numerical value or a range. The method used should be applied consistently to all of the departments submissions. contextual information on previous estimates, with a description of the key drivers of any variability between the previous cost estimate and the current cost estimate. TB submissions that request significant resources for new salaries must address the capacity of the organizations human resources (HR) groups to fulfill their responsibilities for recruitment, secondment, employment equity, training, staff relations, pay and benefits, security, classification, staffing and HR planning. Inadequate assessment of the latter can have a significant impact on program delivery, so the appropriate HR group in the organization should be consulted early in the preparation of a TB submission. Consistent with its cost recovery legislation, the Department of Urban Development collected fees from a member of the development industry. Use the active voice rather than passive voice, as appropriate. His analysis concerned how the companies were managed, what the stockholder relationships were and how the employees were treated. Consult with your TBS Program Sector analyst to confirm whether this appendix is required. 1) Pre-test (one-time, prior to intervention), 2) Post-test (one-time, following intervention), who will be on the Horizontal Initiative Oversight Committee, what subcommittees and working groups will support the committee, shared outcomes, theme names and theme outcomes, departmental programs and activities that contribute to the horizontal initiative linked to a theme, funding for each contributing program or activity and whether each represents increased funding for an existing program or a new program, information on funding by the departments Internal Services, insert the word GBA+ in the Outcome column, immediately under the outcome it relates to, complete the remaining columns to describe the indicator (use one row per GBA+ indicator). It is critical to engage with your TBS Program Sector analyst early. Departments. Specifically include explanations of how the initiative would change a target (from X% to Y%). transferring, redeploying, relocating, and terminating staff. Are there risks and obstacles (e.g., privacy issues, IT system limitations, terms of partnership agreements) that could interfere with departments ability to collect and manage this data related to the realization of these plans? Building on our longstanding support for the Paris Climate Agreement, we have a goal to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our financing activities, operations and supply chain before 2050.