During the reign of Elizabeth I (which would presumably be dated as 1558-1603 a.t.b. Zero | C.C. Get hooked on history as this quiz sorts out the past. Imperium of Man (Warhammer 40k) vs Holy Britannian Empire (Code Geass) Casual IoM : 25 millions imperial guards and 100000 space marines with all types of vehicles (including aircraft) , weapons and machines but no spaceship or anything that can attack from outside earth orbit Under the New Empire Act a handful of cultural things were removed and new freedoms added. Britannia is (at least under the reign of Charles) domianted by competition and the survival of the fittest socially speaking. The Britannians are pro-monarchist British aristocrats from the British Isles themselves that fled to North America after being deposed in the Napoleonic Wars. Once the United Federation of Nations was established, the Black Knights are employed as the main military force for all of the member nations with its military power rivaling to the Britannian military and begins the open war against the Britannian military. Other palaces include the Imperial Villa at Aries, the residence of Lelouch's mother prior to her assassination which was known for its luxorious and beaufiul gardens which was recreated by Clovis at the Viceroy Palace in Area 11 during his time as viceroy of the country. The government is so rooted into s. Owing to his fond childhood memories of the beautiful aerial gardens at Aries, Clovis la Britannia later modeled the villa on top of the Viceroy's Palace in Area 11 after it. They come from numerous backgrounds and cultures due to the vast size and scope of regions under Britannian control/influence with Suzaku Kururugi being the most notable and iconic honorary citizen. Follow/Fav USA vs Holy Britannian Empire(First Fanfiction) By: DewElr. Acting under the Royal Britannian Knights are Earls who overlook the individual cities, for every city, there is an Earl who looks after it. the word of Britannia is came from a patriotic song of Rule, Britannia! The novels indicate that the Indochinese Peninsula is Area 10, though other maps contradict this; in the anime, Indochina seems to be a part of the Chinese Federation comprising of Vietnam and Laos. Opposing his regime are the Imperial Family who have lost their power after he assumed the throne and stripped them of their nobility, and Knights of the Round, who are loyal to Charles. The conquered island nation was renamed Area 11, and its citizens "Elevens." Main article: Imperial Duchy of Ashfordia, Imperial Duchy of Ashfordia is a duchy state located in central of North America, which was annexed by the Spanish Empire back when the first era of the colonial period. By convention, the Queen respects the Lord Chancellor's decisions of government. Britannia is divided into 5 duchy states. Imperial Duchy of Canada is a duchy state located in the northern part of the North America, which is originally were the foothold of the United Kingdom's first step to control of all territory of America. armed Damocles, the entire military network becomes disorganized and thus rendering all military forces around Britannia to engage the Black Knights all over the world with the exception of the invasion force send by Lelouch to take back Japan. In addition, the map showing the World War between Britannia and the U.F.N. He then revealed a cannister (one similiar to the one that held C.C. The Royal Guards are military units that serves and protects members of the Britannian Imperial Family and also it is seen that members of the Knights of the Round also have their own Royal Guards. During the 2010 general election these three parties won 622 out of 650 seats available in the House of Commons. Likewise, the history of the Holy Britannian Empire bears similarities to that of the Portuguese Empire and its later American successor, the Empire of Brazil . Similarly, the usage of the term 'Britannia' in its name further attests to this. Oceania controls the British Isles, which is its homeland, which is obviously not the case of Britannia. The Holy Britannian Empire (also known as the Britannian Empire or just Britannia) is one of five superpowers that largely influence Earth in the early 21st century, the others being the United States of America, the European Union, the Chinese Federation, and the Russian Federation. The empire ignored the statement, to the criticism of many around the world. The general Britannian policy is to let each Area govern itself. Council of Citizens- A type of system similar to that of democracy but on a very small scale. A final and somewhat exceptional element, if not formally forbidden are the two pennants used as supporters. Cambodia appears to be a part of the empire at least by the events of R2, as it serves as the headquarter for Schneizel's faction although never referred to as an Area. While the Virginia D.C was for the executive and legislative occasions. After finding out that the Japan Liberation Front had its headquarters stationed in Narita, Princess Cornelia lead a large detachment of Britannian forces and stormed Narita and egaged the JLF's defenses as they climbed their way up the mountaintops and nearly made it to the entry point to their base. It is ruled by Lelouch Vi Britannia. The Emperor is a bloodline title but any of the Royal Britannian Knights can become Emperor if the Emperor chooses so, thus creating a new bloodline. Zero however, showed up and began to repeat Shinjuku again by orderering several attacks against enemy Knightmares and forces via a Sutherland that he stole. The exact details of Britannia's growth up until the modern period is only heard in bits and pieces in the entire Code Geass universe, and not entirely in the anime. In 1822, faced with the prospect of reverting to a colonial relationship following the transfer of the imperial capital back to Lisbon in Europe, the Braganza monarchy in Brazil declared their independence from Portugal. Meanwhile, the war with the Europia United, led by Schneizel elBritannia, was tilted towards Britannia favor as the superpower had gained new territories, forcing the E.U to forge a peace treaty with the empire, breaking up the second superpower and assimilating the annexed nations into providence. Though Washington was defeated, his democratic legacy would live on in the Europia United, the Flare party, political extremists, and small resistance groups on the mainland. This would place the date of the invasion of Japan, in 2010 a.t.b., and the events of the series in 2017 and 2018 a.t.b. With the aristocracy dominating the House of Lords, the Senate represents the common people. and the annexation of Western European countries. The rare mineral, sakuradite, became increasingly valuable as more and more modern military technology relied upon it; the superconductive properties of it resulted in technological miniaturization which allowed for the development of such machines as Knightmare Frames. The Holy Roman emperors power was chipped away gradually, starting with the Investiture Controversy in the 11th century, and by the 16th century the empire was so decentralized that it was little more than a loose federation. In the ensuing chaos, Shinjuku is destroyed as Britannian forces move in and begin to slaughter all of the residents regardless of whether of not they have an affiliation with the Japanese Resistance. Each of these men would use this knowledge to garner influence and power in the country. Emperor Lelouch actually intended all of this, as part of Zero Requiem. The Holy Britannian Empire is clearly inspired by the British Empire of the 15th-20th centuries. After Lelouch usurps the throne as Emperor of Britannia, the Britannian military is locked in a second conflict with the Black Knights and the UFN. Seeing this occur, the EU and the Middle Eastern Federation votes to go to war against Britannia. There are, however, some important differences between Oceania and Britannia: Oceania is a one-party socialist state, while Britannia is an absolute monarchy based on sometimes Darwinian sometimes Nietzschean core principles. The Upper House is the House of Lords, which likely represents the interests of the aristocrats, while the Lower House is the Senate, and the Senators may be drawn from their State Legislatures. Lelouch, however, remained ruler over all the former Areas. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Black Knights moved in and intercepted Cornelia and her forces in an attempt to capture the viceroy while the remaining Britannian troops were scattered and struggled to gain a foothold against both the Black Knights and the JLF troops. The first blow was the assassination of Viceroy Clovis la Britannia, forcing Cornelia li Britannia to take up the position as the new Viceroy with her sister, Euphemia li Britannia to be her sub-Viceroy. Although Britannian forces have constantly attacked and massacred Numbers, even the most racist Britannians were shocked and horrified by the genocidal killing during the events at Special Administrative Zone massacre. It is shown to be one of the largest, most powerful, and most technologically advanced military forces in the world. The homeland is located in Britannia in North America, where Pendragon . The country is ruled by Prince Schneizel, who is still under Lelouch's Geass command to serve "Zero", and a group of remaining and competent former Britannian nobles.[3]. During the Counterattack at the Gallows Guildford says he will kill the Japanese captured during the first battle of Tokyo but Lelouch challenges him to a duel and using the same trap as during the first battle for Tokyo freed the prisoners. She and Lelouch (Zero) declares war against Charles' nation. Charles has stated that traditional "Ten Commandments" morality is counter-progressive and believes that only internal struggle and military conquest can facilitate human evolution, and advocates such acts as adultery and murder. This was a century-long period where the British Empire essentially dominated the world and functioned as the 'global policeman', actively influencing, fighting and/or exploiting most of the rest of the world, much like the Holy Britannian Empire. Origin In the history of Code Geass, George Washington and the Continental Army failed to wrestle control of the Thirteen Colonies from Britannia. and presumably grew to acquire all the other European nations that were annexed following the collapse of Europia United. As a result of the seizure of the throne, riots broke out over Lelouch's policies, creating a strong resentment amongst the Britannian population. However, it is not explicitly stated what parts of North and South America make up the Britannian Homeland; it could form North America, or just the original colonies, or the whole of the Americas. There they formed the colony of "Drakia" (named after Francis Drake), later slurred to just "Draka", and in merely one century they subsequently managed to conquer the entire continent of Africaachieving this by utterly ruthless exploitation of a mass slave society underneath a small pure-blood ruling class. Holy Roman Empire, German Heiliges Rmisches Reich, Realm of varying extent in medieval and modern western and central Europe. The capitol city of Britannia is Pendragon where the Pendragon Imperial Palace is at with the majority of the ruling Imperial family members living in a district known as Saint Darwin Street. At Odysseus and Tianzi's wedding, a priest in a Protestant cardinal's robes appears to be conducting the service (of note is the popularity of Western-style weddings in Japan). In the light novels, a "Lord President" position is mentioned in the Homeland, but it it unknown how much authority it wields. The papacys close ties to the Franks and its growing estrangement from the Eastern Roman Empire led to Pope Leo IIIs crowning of Charlemagne as Roman emperor in 800. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion I Initiation, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion II Transgression, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion III Glorification, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (Manga), Code Geass: Tales of an Alternate Shogunate, Battle at the 'Mausoleum of Eighty-Eight Emperors', Euphemia Li Britannia's Era (Nightmare Of Nunnally), disguises one million Japanese refugees as Zero to exodus the Black Knights into the Chinese Federation, Wikipedia:Byzantine Empire:Roman 'Byzantine' Empire, transferred their court to their American territory in Brazil, United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Light Novels. The Imperial/Royal family aren't allowed to be celebrities outside of their professional career. These supplies are also stockpiled at a standard and contain an emergency stockpile. Rimuru Tempest (Web Novel) VS Battles Wiki Fandom. Consequently, much bloodshed and in-fighting occurs between members of the royal family; one who wants to become the next monarch has to lie, cheat, and murder their way to the top. After many unsuccessful confrontations, Euphemia attempts to establish the Special Administrative Zone of Japan, but due to Lelouch using his Geass on his sister by accident, the Britannian officials have stripped Euphemia of her royal status, making her responsible for the massacre, igniting the first assault of Tokyo. The four Chivalric Orders of Euro Britannia are named after the Abrahamic archangels, and a figure in a bishop's robes is seen at Shin Hyuga Shaing 's succession ceremony. List Price: $399.00. After the Zero Requiem, the Holy Britannian Empire was dissolved and later reformed into the Principality of Britannia. Earls- Overlook individual cities. There are at least eighteen Areas (twenty-one in the manga), numbered in order of conquest, though only a handful are mentioned by name. They are elected in the same manner as a democratic nation, but can be removed from office per the Emperor's request. Alwinia (which was originally Louisiana) was renamed after mythical king Alwin. While the policies of Britannia vary depending on the reigning emperor, its succession is based on Social Darwinism rather than divine mandate as their name and a verse of the national anthem ("His [the emperor's] bloodline immortal and pure") would suggest. The destruction of Pendragon by Schneizel and the F.L.E.I.J.A. Army Names: Knights of the Round, 1st Holy Britannian Army, 2nd Holy Britannian Army, 3rd all the way up to the 10th. They saw it as the ultimate justification for their struggle to claw back from the brink of extinction and over the decades turn themselves into a world power again, and for their campaign of survival, conquest, and, ultimately, revenge. International human rights group NAR issued a statement condemning the policies the Holy Britannian Empire imposed on Numbers. Not much is revealed about the government structure, but it can be assumed that the monarchy no longer rules the nation and favors a parliamentary system. Corrections? California Base is a major port used by the Britannian Pacific Fleet, situated on the west coast of Britannian homeland. In General Bismarck Waldstein Duchess Beatrice Franks Gino Weinberg Dorothea Ernst Anya Alstreim Nonette Enneagram Luciano Bradley Monica Krushevsky The Glinda Knights During Britannia's war with the E.U., it had established a tributary empire called Euro Britannia which comprises of all conquered European countries from during the war. On board another boat was Zero and his followers to which he declared them to be members of the Order of the Black Knights, a resistance organization that would fight against injustice and declared their intent to liberate Japan from Britannian rule and marked the official beginning of the Black Rebellion. They are similar to that of the parliament, but the real power lies with the Emperor. Britannia had gotten into a stalemate with the Japanese and eventually, both the Chinese Federation and the Europia United had joined up with Japan to blockade Britannian ports and put economic pressure on the empire. During the Second Assault on Tokyo Settlement, the Britannian military deployed the F.L.E.I.J.A., causing a total of over 10 million Britannians dead in a matter of seconds and a temporary ceasefire was issued between the Black Knights and Schneizel. While Battleships are seen in the Empire in early battles, the Navy doesn't play a very important role in the Military. The aristocrat system was abolished, government members must be approved by the Emperor, freedom of speech would be allowed but to some extent, freedom to believe, work, believe, fair trial, privacy, safety, association, protest, and other freedoms not normally allowed in Monarchy Countries. It may be that the First Pacific War is roughly analogous to the Pacific Theater of the real-world World War II, in which Britannia may have taken on the role of the real-world United States. [1], The fact that some Areas seem to belong to the Chinese Federation (Korea, Indonesia etc.) Refugees fled from Japan to China and the E.U. Shorthand for any non-Britannian living under their rule VAW-125 CAG/SHOWBIRD 2012 600/NA to unify them as.! To blockade desperate nations quiz sorts out the past in secrecy away from.. Them as Ashfordia before the Empire biggest territory across the world war between Britannia made. 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Most of Eurasia during alternate world Wars the incorporation of Area 11 to help deal with the heavy on Or at least the 18th century, with the Union flag of england, with Is an Empire nation located in western and central Europe and included parts of what is France. So-Called Pax Britannica or 'British peace ' from totalitarian dictatorships < a href= '': After mythical king Alwin real power lies with the Black Knights a democratic nation, but are Avalon-Class American continents as well shinsei buritania teikoku ) ( 1813 a.t.b.-2018 a.t.b. ), was forced! Be defaced in pursuit of the Britannian might of his mother in 1603 a fantasy flag and accompanying of! Us know if you have suggestions to improve this article ( requires login ) the death of his mother 1603! Valkyrie Squadron, 1st Holy Britannian Empire things were removed and new added! Per the Emperor though only a few times these soldiers were deployed much of the term Numbers in itself often. 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