This value can be any string. This specifies what build types (configurations) will be available such as Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo etc. /usr/local/bin/cmake. This code sets the following variables: This module searches libpng, the library for working with PNG images. Coin3D is an implementation of the Open Inventor API. If the EXACT option is given only a version of the package claiming an exact match of the requested version may be found. The appropriate make program can build the project through the default make target. The COMPONENT argument specifies an installation component name with which the install rule is associated, such as "runtime" or "development". If the compiler supports OpenMP, the flags required to compile with OpenMP support are returned in variables for the different languages. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The result is OFF which is false. These helper variables must be used in the file for setting the installed location. To learn more about parallel task execution, see the section on Gradle build performance. Use it only as a last resort for behavior that cannot be achieved any other way. Associated files may be specified by options using the syntax DATA{,,,}. The only valid components are C, CXX, Fortran, HL, and Fortran_HL. Locate Producer This module defines PRODUCER_LIBRARY PRODUCER_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to Producer PRODUCER_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers. Projects may set each policy to select the desired behavior. The absence of the option uses the default value of the property. Executables are always treated as runtime targets. It overrides OUTPUT_NAME and OUTPUT_NAME_ properties. There are 2 main ways to set system properties: As a command line option when invoking the VM; Using the System.setProperty(String, String) method, assuming, of course that you have permission to do so. This value is copied verbatim into the generated project file. Specifies a path which will be used by FIND_PROGRAM(). If STEP_TARGETS is not set, clients may still manually call ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets after calling ExternalProject_Add or ExternalProject_Add_Step. Configuration names correspond to those provided by the project from which the target is imported. This states that the work should be run in a thread with an isolated classloader. Specify the list of files in one argument as a semicolon-separated list. Please note this file is DEPRECATED and replaced by FindwxWidgets.cmake. If the file is found, it is read and processed by CMake. This module will define the following variables: This module accepts the following environment variables: This module defines the following CMake variables: This module searches giflib and defines GIF_LIBRARIES - libraries to link to in order to use GIF GIF_FOUND, if false, do not try to link GIF_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers GIF_VERSION, reports either version 4 or 3 (for everything before version 4), The minimum required version of giflib can be specified using the standard syntax, e.g. If you set the corresponding property, it will override the default section. All rights reserved. The PROGRAMS form is identical to the FILES form except that the default permissions for the installed file also include OWNER_EXECUTE, GROUP_EXECUTE, and WORLD_EXECUTE. Java Command-Line Arguments No rules are generated to build it. If the DEFINED option is given the variable is set to a boolean value indicating whether the property has been defined such as with define_property. Multiple options of a task can be declared in any order on the command line following the task name. When there are multiple modules, the prefix will be changed to _: A parameter can have the following formats: In Windows, we make the assumption that, if the PostgreSQL files are installed, the default directory will be C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL. During a manual build each launcher transparently runs the command it wraps. For example, java Main apple ball cat Here apple, ball, and cat are arguments passed to the program through the command line. These contain debug/optimized keywords when a debugging library is found. CMake constructs a set of possible installation prefixes for the package. This is useful in cross-compiled environments where some system directories contain incompatible but possibly linkable libraries. This functionality is now automatic. will pass MyInput.mha and MyFrames00.png on the command line but ensure that the associated files are present next to them. The 'ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets' function generates custom targets for the steps listed: If STEP_TARGETS is set then ExternalProject_Add_StepTargets is automatically called at the end of matching calls to ExternalProject_Add_Step. If TIMEOUT is given the child processes will be terminated if they do not finish in the specified number of seconds (fractions are allowed). The list is member-post-only but one may sign up on the CMake web page. The following two sections look at the specific cases of simple class/method names and fully-qualified names. Similarly, we can use the parseDouble() and parseFloat() method to convert the string into double and float respectively. To aggregate test results across multiple subprojects, see the Test Report Aggregation Plugin. See also performance command-line options. A cache entry named by is created to store the result of this command. The suffix to use for the end of a library filename, .lib on Windows. See documentation of the OUTPUT_NAME target property to change the part of the final file name. This project produces and publishes a JAR which you can then use in multiple builds and share with others. rev2022.11.3.43005. Advanced Runtime Options. Therefore a specific build configuration must be chosen even if the generated build system supports multiple configurations. The include directories are added to the directory property INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES for the current CMakeLists file. If ONLY_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is used then only the re-rooted directories will be searched. In the top-level directory the value is the empty-string. The suffix to use for the end of an executable filename if any, .exe on Windows. By default, COPY_RESOLVED_FRAMEWORK_INTO_BUNDLE copies the framework dylib itself plus the framework Resources directory. These values are now available through the CMAKE_SYSTEM and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER variables. TYPE, GUID and PLATFORM are optional parameters that allow one to specify the type of project, id (GUID) of the project and the name of the target platform. Module library targets with the BUNDLE property set are built as Mac OS X CFBundle bundles on Apple platforms. Additional search locations can be specified after the PATHS argument. If TRUE, this can be used by macros and functions to issue fatal errors when deprecated macros or functions are used. (Content of "", if any, is processed as above.) For example ENV PATH would be a way to list the system path variable. This is the same as the project command but does not create any of the extra variables that are created by the project command. The optional may contain the following format specifiers: Unknown format specifiers will be ignored and copied to the output as-is. Projects specify their build process with platform-independent CMake listfiles included in each directory of a source tree with the name CMakeLists.txt. The POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE property determines whether position independent executables or shared libraries will be created. When cmake is first run in an empty build tree, it creates a CMakeCache.txt file and populates it with customizable settings for the project. Finally, whenever a cache variable is added or modified by a command, CMake also *removes* the normal variable of the same name from the current scope so that an immediately following evaluation of it will expose the newly cached value. See help for CheckCSourceCompiles for a listing of variables that can otherwise modify the build. $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL. Some generators like RPM or ARCHIVE family (TGZ, ZIP, ) generates several packages files when asked for component packaging. MPI is a standard interface (defined by the MPI forum) for which many implementations are available. Set a property for the tests. What's the simplest way to print a Java array? Same as CMAKE_C_FLAGS_* but used by the linker when creating modules. The variables to given as PATH_VARS are the variables which contain install destinations. In general, a task implemented using Java or Kotlin, which are statically typed, will perform better than the same task implemented using Groovy. creates an alias, such that can be used to refer to in subsequent commands. In other words, if you pass plugins to fixup_bundle as the libs parameter, you should install them or copy them into the bundle before calling fixup_bundle. For example, the arguments. If a file is specified, the help is written into it. Use configure_file if you want to generate input files to CMake. It expects that the following variables are set using -D: This module defines macros intended for use by cross-compiling toolchain files when CMake is not able to automatically detect the compiler identification. An optional third argument is the CFlags to add to the compile line or you can use CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS. Lets add a property to the task, so we can customize it. CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES( [FAIL_REGEX ]), CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS( ). Properties are usually used to control how a target is built, but some query the target instead. This value can be any string. RTI is a simulation infrastructure standardized by IEEE and SISO. Xcode supports selection of a compiler from one of the installed toolsets. Locate OpenAL This module defines OPENAL_LIBRARY OPENAL_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to OpenAL OPENAL_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers. The parameters type must be a managed type. $PRODUCER_DIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$PRODUCER_DIR used in building osg. If not set, the logical target name is used by default. The NAMELINK_ONLY option causes installation of only the namelink when a library target is installed. If set, if the output matches one of specified regular expressions, the test will fail.For example: FAIL_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "[^a-z]Error;ERROR;Failed". Use of signatures with any of these keywords sets the link interface of a target explicitly, even if empty. This read-only property can be used to test the type of the given target. If the program is found the result is stored in the variable and the search will not be repeated unless the variable is cleared. Because from java 9 --debug ($port) will only allow to debug at local, not remotely. This property specifies the minimum number of scans if it is larger than the default. Within CMake sets to the value . This is determined using the _FOUND variables. The expressions inside the parenthesis are evaluated first and then the remaining expression is evaluated as in the previous examples. Can be set to change the visual studio keyword, for example Qt integration works better if this is set to Qt4VSv1.0. A list of files that will be cleaned as a part of the "make clean" stage. Passing a value on the command line that is not supported by the option does not fail the build or throw an exception. the TARGETS or FILES keywords of the install() command. log4j You can find out more about implementing work parameters in Developing Custom Gradle Types. The MACRO_NAMESPACE option replaces the default "FortranCInterface_" prefix with a given namespace "". Default is once. If the argument is not one of these constants, it is treated as a variable: True if the variable is defined to a value that is not a false constant. If you want to use a more convenient module that includes everything, use the FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake instead of the Findosg*.cmake modules. FIND_LIBRARY() will check each of the contained directories for the existence of the library which is currently searched. (Optional) Comma-separated list of filters to include or exclude classes from collecting code coverage. If you need to use the old API, have a look at the documentation in the user manual for Gradle 5.3.1. OSGVOLUME_INCLUDE_DIR - Where to find the headers OSGVOLUME_LIBRARIES - The libraries to link for osgVolume (use this), OSGVOLUME_LIBRARY - The osgVolume library OSGVOLUME_LIBRARY_DEBUG - The osgVolume debug library, OSGWIDGET_FOUND - Was osgWidget found? Create java documentation based on files or packages. Where there are nested parenthesis the innermost are evaluated as part of evaluating the expression that contains them. If a file matches multiple groups, the LAST group that explicitly lists the file will be favored, if any. See cpack_configure_downloads for more information. as a file, with arbitrary name, whose content specifies the directory containing the package configuration file. If TRUE, this can be used by macros and functions to issue deprecation warnings. If APPEND is specified the COMMAND and DEPENDS option values are appended to the custom command for the first output specified. Generator expressions are evaluated during build system generation to produce information specific to each build configuration. The default value is "bundle" - you can also use "plugin" or whatever file extension is required by the host app for your bundle. String describing type of prerequisite is returned in variable named . The most important issue is that the Qt4 qmake is available via the system path. The EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD property is used by the visual studio generators. If the importing project uses a different set of configurations the names may be mapped using the MAP_IMPORTED_CONFIG_ property. There are 2 main ways to set system properties: As a command line option when invoking the VM; Using the System.setProperty(String, String) method, assuming, of course that you have permission to do so. Options cannot be declared globally e.g. Variable reads and writes access the scope of the caller (dynamic scoping). Inclusion of the CPack module adds two new targets to the resulting makefiles, package and package_source, which build the binary and source installers, respectively. You could, for instance, call doFirst() or doLast() with a closure in the task constructor to add behaviour. Both of the following will set the foo property on your Project object to "bar". ADD_REMOVE indicates that CPack should install a copy of the installer that can be called from Windows' Add/Remove Programs dialog (via the "Modify" button) to change the set of installed components. author Jan Woetzel (07/2003) USAGE: include( ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/Use_wxWindows.cmake).
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