said Lori behind Lincoln's door. You're probably wondering why I'm upset. They keep laughing and farting, while Lola walks past and gags.]. Lincolns personal favorite was the banner he and Lynn(but mostly he had contributed to) made, hanging across the triangular ceiling of the shelf. She's a monster, she deserved it." said Lisa. He then grabbed Lincoln and threw him over his shoulder onto the coffee table, causing it to smash underneath him. She then scores more baskets. Lynn: Same here! "Nice hypocrisy, Loud!" [Cut to the two of them playing golf at Fairway.]. [She hits the ball, but it bounces off a tree and back.]. "But he was bad luck!" What's that smell?" Species and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. Therefor you have only yourself to blame.". Lynnda Lee Loud Jr. Lincolns personal favorite was the banner he and Lynn(but mostly he had contributed to) made, hanging across the triangular ceiling of the shelf. And I like to give him Dutch ovens. Margo: We should tell the girls about this! He sat down again, against one of Lynns soccer balls. Cartoons Loud House. There was a part of me that wanted to beat you with your own baseball bat. Lori: Arent you a little young to be reading The Hungry Games? I can handle this, just leave us alone. None of them had ended up good. "But what about the squirrel mascot costume?" Lynn: So, Danica, what was the first sport you played? [Outside, Lynn starts doing jumping jacks. Played By Polly: Good leaping, Nadia! In an alternate universe Lucy doesn't exist and so the Loud family is different. Lets have a farting contest! But I had to warn the mascot suit to protect them from my bad luck." When one of his sisters was the center of the problem, he always knew the right solution, the right plan to conduct. [They are then seen sitting on Danicas couch, picking their noses. Lynn Jr. (Throwing the ball): AH HA! Lynnloud Stories - Wattpad [Lynn thrusts forward and tries to get Roy but he sidesteps out of the way. Holding one hand over his swollen black eye, he rummaged through his drawers, trying to find some bandages. Enemy Lynn: Ha! "Good idea." "Yeah, we we're heartless like Lucy." I didn't want to do one where Lincoln dies or runs away, because those have been done to death. The two laughed again, making Lynn even more annoyed. "Can you come downstairs.". Lynn Loud and Gareth Kepler! Lana then jumps and lands on Lynn, who laughs, and then the girls lie in the puddle and stare at the sky. By: Flagg1991. Contents 1 Biography To get away from our other sisters. Its all in the baby powder. Lynn Jr.: *comes in from the front yard, holding her baseball glove and a ball, all she hears is Lori's yelling and slamming* Geez, what's with her? Lynn: *scowling* I cant lose to this sexist bozo! ], A while back, I did a piece on childrens TV show episodes with messages that resonated with me on some level. He hits the target, but doesnt quite get a bullseye.]. Nadia: Thanks. Lincoln is tired of being the joke and black sheep of the family. Hey!- he tried to yell, but his mouth was covered by a hand, muffling his words. Behind her, the sisters tried to stop Lynn, afraid that Lincoln would be even more hurt. Gareth growls, but Lynn smirks and punches the air while the family claps, cheers, and does thumbs ups.]. said Lynn. When Lincoln walks downstairs he sees his sisters minus Lynn and his parents. But he accidentally got it on Coach Niblicks face. GrouseDexterLiam (teammate)Royal Woods Kangaroos (teammates) Roy: Looks like this is your first taste of defeat! Lynn: *laughs* Thats gross, but hilarious! So thats the name of your freak sis-, Rachel screamed at Lynn while trying to block her punches, but failing, Im not the same kid you met six years ago.. [Luan shows her phone, which shows Danica, a brunette in a white uniform with a 3 on it, eating salad.]. youre so fine gotta gotta get to know ya - new jeans, We need more things about Lynn loud, tell me if u have any good story's or anything about Lynn Lisa said. What the-STOP! Rachel screamed at Lynn while trying to block her punches, but failing Im not the same kid you met six years ago. She growled, knocking Marsh to the ground next to Conner. I should taken my defeat like a pro and I shouldn't have threatened you." "Stop sending me on a guilt trip! Mr. Grouse shouted from his house. [Slides down the railing and somersaults off, landing gracefully on her feet. But what's worse is that Lynn slipped on a banana peel and landed on her back. Then, some rap music starts playing, making Lynn and Danica smile. The rest of the girls cheer as Lynn and Paula prance around and Megan and Morgan scowl.]. ok in this imma just do lynn cuz if u have seen the re "Can I come inside now?". Earl: 30-30! In his agony, he managed to push a few possessions of his and block the doorway. It is the same as the first one but with a few changes. Lynn: *to the audience* Of course, you can't really give someone a two-for-flinching if they don't flinch. [Finally, Bob fires. (by herself, Lynn Sr, Luna, Grant, Lincoln, and Lori)Helen (in disguise)Farty McStink Pants (by her classmates)Lynn Jr. (by Lynn Sr. and Rita)The SportThe Penguin (by some spectators at a hockey game)Dear sister (by Lisa)The hall monitor (by Lincoln) ", "Yeah my pride and self-respect." They start swimming laps around the pool.]. Look out below! And a brother. "." He sneaks up behind Lynn and pokes her on the spine, landing the first point.]. Leave me alone! The Loud Family & Casagrandes are victims of Lisa's new batch of experiments I thought I was just putting too much pressure on myself, so I went to the library, but the books started glowing and floating too, so thats when I realised there was a ghost. Lynn's punishment | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom in: Episodes, Episodes focusing on Lynn Loud, Re-writes, and 2 more Lynn's punishment View source My 2nd fanfic on the wiki. I called up Lincoln and Clyde, and Dad dropped them off there with their ARGGH equipment, and they started snooping around and Lincoln found this weird, glowing slime and tried to keep some as a souvenir. Which bully? Lynn turned to face the eleven year old boy. Leni was talking to him soothingly like he was a baby whod been crying, while Luna was playing him comforting music. He blushes and Lynn starts laughing. "Nice doggy." The broken barricade was scattered all over the room, and the door was kicked wide open. Lynn: Remember when we first played tennis? Diane: So, LJ, Margo told me that you once accidentally scored high on this rink and got called the Penguin. . "You have to wear the squirrel mascot costume for a whole day." - Cute one shots. violence, sex and love in the cold of Michigan. Started: Jan 7th What happens if all of royal woods have powers. Lynn: So thats why Lucy deliberately broke her pocket mirror despite me telling her that its seven years of bad luck! Lynn fires her shot and gets a bullseye, causing the crowd to go wild.]. Lynn: The most famous female athlete! 10 - Things in the Sea are Touching Me by Linda Jane Keegan and Ngarae Roberts Having two mothers is normal This isnt the primary message of the book its not like Heather Has Two Mommies, where thats the whole point the story instead focuses on this lesbian couples daughter being afraid of things touching her in the ocean and thats why I like the book. Also please don't flame me. Lori: Then we tried putting on a show, but that didnt work either, but then one of them got caught up with a group of cheerleaders and they had a disco ball, which reminded Lucy that you can see ghosts through broken mirrors. Each of them were holding medical supplies varying from band-aids to giant x-ray machines(Excluding Lynn, who was wielding her signature metal baseball bat). "Yeah, you're now free to come on put activities without wearing that squirrel mascot." Since we have some privacy here, can you tell me now?. Kamen Riders and Ultraman Regulos, Angry Birds Rio: Wings of Hope (Chapter 4), Ratchet, Jak and Sly: Cosmic Forces (Chapter 1), The Hero Squad: Resurrection of Darkspine Magma Dragoon, Littlefoot and Dink: An Egg-Thordinary Adventure (Chapter 1), Lynn Jr.'s personality has similarities to that of Peppermint Patty from. Then his one of his estranged, metahuman sisters drops by for a visit, and that becomes significantly more difficult. I know those sports like the back of my hand. Lucy had brought him a potion that she claimed would instantly cure him, but crashed into Leni, spilling the green liquid over his bandages. [Sprays Lynn with her trick flower, making them both laugh. said Luna. Being chased by dogs, being called a loser and sweating inside that suit. Danica: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome one and all to the Royal Woods Junior Olympics. She was not trying to show it in front of Lincoln and Clyde though. Gareth: Then prepare to change your name. Lynn was standing in the doorway, her foot in a kicking position, surrounded by her 9 sisters. Lana giggles and farts too.]. "You we kicked him outside and we sold his stuff! I was trying to earn the respect for my siblings!" Lynn asked. Lincoln walks up to the tree and sees Lynn sitting on the ground, crying in her arms. !! Disclaimer: i do not own the loud house!! His sisters all looked at Lincoln with confused looks on their faces. Hey guys, Emily here. "Well let's go get some ice cream." Shes a super neat freak. Guilt started to wash inside of her just as she spotted the two bullies by the seesaw. Not even Lana, the one who spent most of her time scavenging around the house, bothered it. Megan scores a basket, then Lynn, then Lynn again, then Paula, then Morgan, then Megan again, then Morgan again. It's my first ever one shot I've done. He smelled of pond scum, and his clothes were slightly burnt at the ends. Friend Pride in Her Chest (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Lynn: Woo-hoo! No pun intended. *squeals*, [Cut to the girls in Ketcham Park about to practice basketball, when Morgan and Megan arrive.]. Lynn: I hope you like the taste of steel. ", "But there is a way out." It was a drawing of a stick figure Lynn, protecting a stick Lincoln from more stick figures, who were supposedly bullies. "I forgive you guys." "But I'm thirsty and it's a oven in here." Its them? She hissed, anger growing in her eyes. She has a habit of turning everything into a competition. II He stammered. Bobby Santiago Thats cheating! Diane: Thanks! Follow/Fav Lynn's Next Chapter. Lincoln took a deep breath at his sisters reaction, hoping for the best for what he was about to say. Girls: One two three four five six seven eight nine ten! The sisters all laughed at Luan's joke. That was chapter 1 of The Trouble With Lynn, brought to you by Eclecticallyem. Lynn Loud Jr. | Fan Fiction | Fandom Lets do split squats instead. Luan joked and she and Lincoln laughed. Plus made you wear that squirrel costume. Lola: There's those two acting like barbarians again! "Now that you mentioned it, Lynn was the reason why were hippos to Lincoln." Im going to deal with them right now. She stood up to leave, but Lincoln grabbed her hand. Lincoln Loud Margo: Wow, Amy! said Lynn. Olivia: Well, back in my place, they call me the Seal, and seals eat penguins! But its fine; the ghost actually brings us good luck. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING-BLOOD IS ALL OVER THE PLACE!. Usually Stinkoln is the one who talks to the audience, but today, I have something to tell you -- *mischievously* I plan to give whoever comes in next a two-for-flinching! The broken barricade was scattered all over the room, and the door was kicked wide open. [Soon, the Turkey Jerkies, Polly Pain, Maddie, Lainey, and Nadia are assembled in the park with Lynn and Margo.]. Lynn clenched her teeth. [The girls go over to some boxes and they stand with their feet apart, bend down, and dynamically leap onto the boxes.]. Roy: Youre a worthy opponent, but can you beat this? She deserves it dude!" Lori tried to wrap Lincoln's face with gauze, but was constantly bumped in by her sisters and accidentally wrapped parts like his arms, neck, and waist. Im impressed! Both: And finally, for first place Lynn Loud! You learn how to jump well when your brother has a habit of setting up tripwires. "It's a dog eat dog world." Luna enters, listening to music, and shaking her butt.]. 1314 (possibly) However, she simply replied, Yes.. Lynn slides past Olivia and swings the puck all the way into the goal from one side of the rink to the other. Paula: Wow, Maya! Olivia swoops in and starts chasing the puck, but Lynn takes after her and they charge around for a bit before Olivia ends up scoring. Lincoln whispered. Lincoln loosened his grip on her hand, and Lynn left the shed, swinging the door shut as she went out. Because I was disgusted and hurt by this episode. [She gives Lucy a light punch on the arm, but Lucy doesn't react at all.]. y r the siblings dating- She then walks into the kitchen, where Lincoln is drinking soda. Story At afternoon Lincoln returned home from his school, complaining about how bad day he had there. Lisa groaned with a deadpan look. Leni, Lisa means that Lincoln probably had a bad experience at school., Hes literally never been like this before.. Ill try to update as much as possible! ], [Iris runs up to the pole and jumps, but doesnt get over the pole and ends up landing in a heap and losing her glasses. She snapped. Luan interjected. LynnsterLunatic Lynn (by herself)Lynn-sanity (by Rusty, Margo and Luna)Lynn-arino (by Lincoln)Snorezilla (by Lincoln)Sporty (by Lisa)Lynn-er (by herself)Dude (by Luna)Sis (by Lincoln and Luna)Lincoln's sister (by Flip)L.J. Ranges from mostly Fluff to hardcore Smut. Lincoln said to the readers. Reposted from AFF, and based off of assembled greenposts done for TLVG, enjoy nine chapters (plus a bonus chapter!) Loni Loud In the midst of the chaos, Lincoln felt a strong arm yank him off the bed. [They go to Auntie Pams and eat ice cream sundaes like the one Lily almost got. Lincoln is the only white boy in an Interracial family of girls as he is the happily adopted son of the Loud Family, and he had no idea what his older sisters and mom want. I have nine. Her revenge wasnt done. The Louds pushed Lynn outside the back door and locked it. Paula: In your face! "No, I'm here to say I'm sorry." Lincoln said. Eventually, he did come back, and at the time, I was so scared of him that I literally lost my hair, but now that hes back and my hair is back, hes not so bad. "Wow, Lynn," said Lincoln, surprisingly, "I didn't know that sports were really so much to you. "Hitting people isn't going to solve all your of problems Lynn." "Dude, she made us into monsters, made you wear that mascot costume 24/7. Lynn Sr.: This girls built like a tank! 6.5K Views. Watch. Everyone is wearing white swimming caps and purple goggles, the girls are wearing blue swimsuits, and the boys are wearing blue trunks. Lynn remained silent for a while, and Lincoln was afraid she was going to blow at him. Rachel Marsh was a tall girl with long, shiny black hair that she kept back in a high ponytail. Rita and Sisters: (in horror) LINCOLN!!! Lincoln said. Lynn: So do I! Rita: Lori's mad at US because we grounded her for yelling at Clyde and slapping him. Lynn: Yes you will, or my name isnt Lynn Loud! *preparing my T-60 power armor immediately*. Earl: Only thirty seconds left and the girls are still neck-and-neck! Lori stated and the rest of the Loud siblings all agreed and walked off. "Did I mention the dog poop?" *thoughtfully* That was ten years ago before I was born Lynn: She's so cool! Dont. he tried to yell, but his mouth was covered by a hand, muffling his words. "Tell you what? With renovations going on in an almost empty house Lincoln, Lucy and Lynn need to share a bed. "I couldn't shower or use the bathroom.". said Lincoln. She doesnt mind too much though and gets up, dusts herself off, and puts her glasses back on. "No, she doesn't! W-Who?, ing sounds. Loan es la hija incestuosa de Lori y Lincoln ella aun no lo sabe y cree que Bobby Jr. Es su padre, que pasara cuando descubra sus origenes?, me gusta mucho el personaje asi que quiz escribir mi headcannon. Girls: One two three.. Four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve. Leni sighed. [They swim until Lynn crosses the finish line just seconds before Rodney.]. Luna opens the back door with Lily by her side. Lincoln looked at the drawing for a long time, and shoved it in his pocket. Lynn Loud Jr It was poorly done. Lynn: Being an olympic winner works up an appetite! Winners, winners, chicken dinners! Along the way, she develops feelings for him. No Such Luck Aftermath - The Loud House Fanon Wikia Luan. Lynn said through gritted teeth. I do not own Loud House or any images that might be used, I just own my Oc. It read in Lincolns scrawly handwriting: LYNN AND LINCOLN LOUDS FORT: DO NOT ENTER.. With the letters getting smaller and smaller to fit the banner. Chapter 1-Revenge. Olivia starts off by scoring a goal. All common sense yelling at her to keep it to herself, and let it die but it is not all of her talking. Maybe Lisas rubbing off on him. Can Lynn beat him? Lynn scores another. Short summary:Lynn Loud has been protective of her siblings. Alexander is Latino with messy hair and hes about a foot taller than Lynn and very skinny.]. *stomps upstairs, barges into Lori's and Leni's room* Lori: Uh, HELLO? Lincoln was in his room and he sighs. Lynn Loud, Katie Wallace, Dominic Peters, Elizabeth Crawford, and Bob Ryan. Thanks for reading! Lynn Sr. thrashed Lincoln off of his arm. Nadia: Great! Lynn said. Lincoln let out a small yelp of pain, and his hands instantly covered his swollen eye. Following the miraculous event that gifted the Loud sisters with superpowers, the Loud Family, and Lincoln in particular try to adjust to the additional chaos this change in the status quo throws into their lives. said Luna and slammed the door on Lynn's face. His older sister was more of the demanding type, and saw pleading as showing weakness. "Well now you can have a taste of your own medicine.". Rita: Shell be fine. All of the Loud siblings knew what their oldest sister was talking about, and all of them had experienced it. Lincoln said and Lynn was confused by what Lincoln said. "Well at least's it not raining." Lucy replied. "If you apologize to Lincoln.". "No worries, they'll say their sorry to me sooner or later. "Even I felt bad hurting my closest siblings." "I proved it, right before we ended Lincoln's torment which is your foul chamber you call a mascot suit.". "Shut up! [They hose themselves off, then Lynn goes inside and looks through the mail. Lynnloudjr Stories - Wattpad The next morning, Lynn begins to open her eyes slowly and she sees a giant squirrel head on the coffee table. So thats the name of your freak sis-. What did he want? Danica: I have a brother too. She tries getting it out, but has a bit of a struggle. Because of this animal control i One Night in the loud Residence Rita Loud and Lynn Loud Sr. Bring home a shocking surprise, what could it be? "Lincoln is not wearing his anti-jinx suit! He walks up to it and tries again, succeeding.]. More of Loud House Omniverse will come out soon. Lynn managed to get away from the bees, but she hears a dog growing. Both: Well have to see. If you have . A crayon drawing fell from the impact, and Lincoln went to pick it up. No vulgar language. While the sisters were busy sighing at Luans lame pun, Lincoln felt like that was a good time to barricade the door. Ive hung with mine three times so its about time you got the same chance. ", Then someone knocks on the door. "So I have to wear this all day? Rita and the sisters ran over to Lincoln. We're monsters to her! "Wait, what made you changed your minds?". Also published on Wattpad and [They line up. "Put the head back on!". She is named after her father. You turned us into monsters!" "To find Lynn and apologize to her. Lynn and Rodney are neck and neck, with Samantha close behind, Alexander and Olivia in the middle, and Blake floundering a bit at the back. After Lynn's outburst she ran away crying. She growled, knocking Marsh to the ground next to Conner. W-Who?. said Lincoln. Lynn shouted at her sisters, ripping off Lincolns bandages, and plucking the thermometer out of his ear. Lynn: What's up, punks? "You stink." Lincoln and Lynn, being close in age, always had a special relationship together when they were young. said Rita. For She hesitated for a while, and Lincoln waited, forgetting about the pain in his swollen eye. ], [Blake eventually manages to catch up to Olivia, but he splashes water on her to slow her down.]. said Lincoln. [Then, they are seen mud wrestling. He was pulled out of the room and the chaos, dragged down the stairs, all the way to the backyard. Samantha is short and African-American, Blake is tall and Caucasian, and Rodney is average height and Asian. "Say the word and she's out like a light." said Lynn Sr. "Well you're no longer bad luck." Making you sleep outside and selling your stuff." "You don't have to wear that mascot suit anymore." [The girls go to the pool, change into matching white swimsuits with blue numbers on them, and dive in. "Hey, where's the other half?" Tears started to make their way down her cheeks. "Lincoln's right. Lana puts mud down Lynn's shirt, so Lynn puts mud down Lana's overalls. Well, Ive got two more idiots for the day.. As she prepares to head off to college, Lynn resolves to spend as much time with her favorite little brother as possible. Lynn: Mine was soccer, and I was three too. "You're kicking me out of my own house?" One day and experiment of the one and only Lisa Loud goes A special wolf is in Royal Woods and one night it bites Luna Loud. She smiles widely, throws on her clothes, and runs down the stairs. Lynn tends to turn everything into a competition - her siblings consider this to be her most annoying habit. Hair Color Jessica DiCicco Annake The Loud girl that loves to win. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! His bad luck could be contagious!". nosuchluck psa loudhouse lynnsaine lynnloudjr. ], [She takes off her own sock and shoe and picks her nose with her own big toe. Lori: The boys then interrogated me in the cafeteria and accidentally spilled drinks on the janitor, but just as we were about to clean it up, it literally cleaned itself up! Today, she was going to prevent any of it from happening. Not that Lincoln was complaining. The little shed was a perfect place to seek comfort with each other, and even filled it with their personal belongings. Lana approaches. She shook her head in disappointment. "What do you girls want?" "Whoops I guess we forgot to put it on the other side." That happens, you do it. The room instantly became quiet, and the sisters parted enough to reveal Lincoln. Luan: These videos say she's super polite, and is almost as big of a health nut as Lori, so if I were you, I'd save the junk food 'til the end of the day. Elizabeth: I dont really mind losing. Enjoy! But I thought that would be too mean. T-Rated (bloodless violence, heavy wounds, mild threats) Synopsis Lincoln has enough of Lynn bullying him so he makes a plan to defeat her. Just you wait." "Oh hey. This calls for some ice cream! He was probably doing something with Clyde-but what sort of nerdy stuff they would do would attract Marsh and Conners attention? Lynn, I hope youre not planning to do that again. Lori said, her hands on her hips. That happens every time you do it. Would you be interested? He pointed at his black eye- Youll go straight to them and beat them up. Lori replied. Even Lily joined in, kissing her older brothers boo boo., The only one who didn't participate in the medicalypse was Lynn, who hung back, watching the flurry of sisters and bandages. Please message me via my pen name, GiovanniGo on FanFiction via the private messaging option. Danica: Lynn starts this round off very well! "Oh hey. Lynn: I was invited to the Royal Woods Junior Olympics! "I knew you would come back to your senses." You said that I was jinxed because you lost your winning streak that was acting like a 6 year old." Fanfiction - Lincoln vs Lynn - The Loud House Encyclopedia Lincoln stared at his Lynn, who looked at him beggingly. You did a great job at staying awake! What if he leaves his family who calls him Bad luck? Occupation He ran past Lori and Leni, who were giving him worried looks, and the twins, who had paused from fighting over their jump rope to watch Lincoln. "What do you want Lincoln? Hello. Then, she gets up and they both jump forward and end up poking each other on the chest simultaneously.]. Did he want his sister to be seen like this? Loudhouse Stories - Wattpad
Wagon Wheel Flea Market Sold, Dreams About Being Sedated, Articles L