The Southeast Asian renewable energy market is changing rapidly. Discussions also focused on identifying administrative barriers to federal funding. Let's dive in to see what this Coal Cost Crossover analysis can tell us about coal plants in the Southeast. 709 W. 9th Street The Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy is USDAs approach to support economic, cultural, and natural resources sustainability in the region. Addresses historic and/or structural decisions that previously contributed to inequitable access to USDA programs. Southeast Asian countries stand at a crossroads concerning their shared energy future and heavily rely on fossil fuels for transport and electricity. on official, secure websites. By 2012, at least 7.5 billion gallons of renewable fuel must be blended into motor-vehicle fuel sold in America. AF&PA contends that additional income from trading in RECs by biopower companies could lead to increased demand and higher prices for biomass, thus forcing forest products companies nationwide to pay more for its raw materials. Energy demand in Southeast Asia has increased on average by around 3% a year over the past two decades, and this trend continues to 2030 under today's policy settings in the STEPS. Over the past decade, the most rapid growth came from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia and Viet Nam. To this effect, IRENA and the ASEAN Centre for Energy find that $290 billion of . Chapter 4 highlights regional and national targets and examines the policy and institutional frameworks for scaling up renewables across the region. Southeast Asia is a very attractive market for renewable energy, owing to its rich renewable resources and surging energy consumption. Sign up to receive clean energy updates in your inbox. Since 2016, the USAID Clean Power Asia program has worked with governments and the private sector across Southeast Asia to encourage power sector investments in environmentally friendly, grid-connected renewable energy sources. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. LockA locked padlock A nationwide renewable electricity standard is a major goal for Democratic leaders and environmentalists. Because China's solar and wind energy resources are rich in northwest region, and the electricity load center is concentrated in the southeast region, the imbalance between the resource and demand intensifies the contradiction of renewable energy generation and grid operation. Other technologies, such as "open-loop" biomass, incremental hydropower, small irrigation systems, landfill gas, and municipal solid waste (MSW), receive a lesser value tax credit. Tom Darin Liskey, Georgia Power seeks to convert coal plant to biomass, ReCharge News, February 3, 2009, Renewable energy in Southeast Asia is a growing sector with a market size of $205 billion and capital investments totaling $11 billion between 2020 and 2022. The harvest of food and other crops often leaves behind a mass of stover (i.e., stalks, leaves and other plant remnants). The region is home to 44% of the nation's total energy from woody biomass and a significant portion of other biomass types.25 Not all biomass is recognized as "eligible" to meet federal RES requirements due to differences in federal legislation and tax provisions defining biomass. Approximately 53% of all domestic renewable energy comes from biomass sources3 represented by biofuels, landfill gas, biogenic4 municipal solid waste, wood and wood-derived fuels, and other biomass such as switchgrass. Since the time of the first nomadic hunter-gatherer societies, wood has been collected for cooking fires and heating. Planning for biomass resources that fails to consider competing uses, may have unintended economic, ecological and environmental consequences. The sensitivity of the estimates with regard to truck fuel prices is unknown. Southern Company is considering converting three additional small coal plants to biomass, similar to Plant Mitchell. See Concerns over the potential impacts of a federal RES seem to revolve largely around the issue of whether, nationwide, sufficient renewable energy resources exist and are economically viable. In the southeast region especially, biomass may be the most readily available opportunity for meeting RES goals, but compliance may still be a challenge. Plans for increased use of waste wood from forests may require new forms of cooperation and coordination between forest products companies and biomass power generators to ensure access to the resource. has suggested that increasing the penetration of renewable . Joint Press Release - USDA, Sustainble Southeast Partnership, Spruce Root, Southeast Conference, and Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska. Denver , CO , United States. 890 (111th Congress) 101, the Federal Renewable Electricity Standard. Justine Hunter, Forestry decline threatens B.C. Federal funding from recent and proposed legislation, like the Great America Outdoors Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, and other agency appropriations, can likely fund many of the investment ideas that were not quite ready for short-term support. In addition to looking at replacing generation with wind or solar, Energy Innovation looked at pairing local solar resources with battery storage to replace some or all of the capacity of each coal plant without costing more than the continued operation of the plant. Conversely, this situation could potentially benefit landowners in the region who have seen prices for wood fall with the economic decline of the forest products industry. USDA plans to leverage its resources to support these efforts including programs to strengthen small businesses, broadband, renewable energy production, local foods and agriculture production, water and sewer infrastructure, healthcare, housing, outdoor tourism, silviculture support and others as appropriate. Picking up where federal research and development dollars left off, states are using the concept of a Renewable Portfolio Standard8 (RPS) to create a market for renewable energy via mandatory goals. Companies that generate wind, geothermal, and "closed-loop" bioenergy (which is powered by dedicated energy crops) are eligible for the production tax credit, which provides a variable cent per kilowatt-hour benefit for the first years of a renewable energy facility's operation. Transitioning away from dirty fossil fuels is not just a question of fair competition for clean energy power providers, it's a matter of justice for communities disproportionately burdened by pollution. See Growing at an average pace of more than 5% per annum, power demand in Southeast Asia is projected to keep rising over the next decade. Many consider carbon dioxide emissions from biomass sources as practically neutral, because biomass sources take in carbon dioxide during their growing cycle and release it when burned.17 Renewable energy is seen as a way to reduce fossil fuel use, and with growing awareness of the potential impacts of climate change, the role of renewable energy in reducing carbon emissions has garnered increasing public support. Click on a state or scroll down to access relevant conservation resources and state-specific climate change information. 63 Based on a demand of 2 to 4 trillion British Thermal Units (BTUs) for a biomass power facility generating between 20 and 40 megawatts of electricity, the study concluded that sufficient biomass supplies potentially existed in the 27 counties. SCCO "Hog fuel" is a mixture of wood and bark, usually reduced to 50-75 millimeter-size chips and produced by a "wood hog" (i.e., grinder), from which it derives its name. Within Asia, especially India and China lead the world renewable energy generation undergoing a period of energy transition and economic transformation. Increasing electricity generated from biomass sources may be a viable route for compliance with RES requirements nationally, especially as biomass is already the largest source of renewable energy in the United States today. Cogeneration is the production of electrical energy and another form of useful energy (such as heat or steam) through the sequential use of energy. Renewable energy currently accounts for about 10% of U.S. total energy production according to the U.S. Department of Energy.1 Biomass is the largest source of renewable energy2 in the United States. The Team first used coarse filters to assess investment readiness, and then used an expanded review team to conduct a qualitative assessment. Will Lithium Follow The Super-Cycle Of Mining? (Photo by Logan Cyrus for The Washington Post via Getty Images), 1.4-gigawatt coal-fired power plant located in Roane County, just outside Kingston, Tennessee. Developed and published financial models for utility-scale and rooftop solar, wind, and biomass power, which were downloaded over 3,000 times and used to help renewable energy project developers identify critical factors that impacted project profitability and bankability. We look to be part of an inclusive, responsive approach that complements existing efforts toward practical, common-sense solutions. Creating a Southeast Renewable Energy Manufacturing Powerhouse With a national renewable standard, the Southeast will become a manufacturing leader in the U.S. renewable energy industry. See Energy consumption in Southeast Asia nearly doubled between 1995 and 2015, growing at an average pace of 3.4% annually. Knowledge awaits. Doesn't it make more sense to be producing cleaner power, closer to home?," said Stephen Smith, head of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, one of the groups that released the study with WRI. As we celebrate USAIDs achievements in energy in Thailand and across the region, we also look to the future and partnerships that will continue to strengthen energy investments in the region, facilitating the transition to a clean energy future and enhanced regional energy security, said ChargdAffairesHeath. The total delivered cost of woody biomass can be calculated as the sum of the costs of procurement (i.e., the amount paid to gain ownership of a biomass resource), collection or harvest costs, and transportation costs. Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Direct: 907.463.7368 | Email: [email protected]. Rn?Q&i( =ET/v,yb9j1xZiKM_at$qJ{Dgny? Energy Information Administration, How is my electricity generated, delivered, and priced?, July 10, 2008, Approximately 53% of all renewable energy comes from biomass sources, represented by biofuels, landfill gas, municipal solid waste, wood and wood-derived fuels, and other biomass feedstocks. Competition in these markets has reduced wholesale energy costs while creating an entry point for low-cost renewable energy to provide power to the grid. Goals for biofuels production to meet a Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) may also mean that increased amounts of biomass would be dedicated to that use. The Southeast has also mostly retained a vertically integrated utility model, and most utilities in the region have not joined a Regional Transmission Organization or Independent System Operator (collectively known as, RTO). Methane is a more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, being 21 times more potent at trapping heat in the atmosphere over a 100 year period. 32+T9LPs))bRBbZ3H9%D1"za;V+*vJ) |FU8pr!DMf'!IHR Meanwhile, the coastal areas in the region have considerable potential to harness wind energy. Podcasts Factor This! CHARLOTTE NC - June 2, 2017: CREDIT: Mike Catanzaro, panel installer at Accelerate Solar, finishes [+] installed electrical wiring at a solar array he recently installed at a job site in East Charlotte. Introducing a Southeast regional competitive market that optimizes regional transmission and shares resources (key features of other RTOs) would save $384 billion dollars with approximately $17.4 billion average yearly savings through 2040 - 23% lower electricity costs compared to today. In regions where the quality or availability of renewable resources may be in question, as for example, in the Southeast,19 some states are concerned that the current RES proposals would subject them to federal penalties. Georgia Power Company, Georgia Power Seeks Approval for Coal Plant Conversion to Biomass, August 22, 2008, State governments have generally led the way in deploying other renewable energy technologies. This is a BETA experience. The Renewable Fuels Program requires increased use of renewable fuels every year through 2012. The need for agricultural chemicals is often lower for perennial biocrops which can mean less pollution from runoff into rivers and streams. Confederation of European Paper Industries, Bio-energy and the European Pulp and Paper Industry. The results are clear: continued reliance on coal is expensive, and each of these plants should be evaluated for economic retirement through a comprehensive resource and transmission planning process. KINGSTON TN - MARCH 31: Kingston Fossil Plant, commonly known as Kingston Steam Plant, is a [+] 1.4-gigawatt coal-fired power plant located in Roane County, just outside Kingston, Tennessee. Methane is the primary component of natural gas which is used in cooking, heating, chemicals production, and electric power generation. Located in a tropical climate and within the Ring of Fire, this region has great potential for a transition toward renewable energy utilization. See Plasma Gasification at Feb 27, 2023 - Mar 1, 2023. See Under the regional agreements, the entities are collaborating with USDA to promote economic diversification and workforce development projects for themselves and other smaller organizations in Southeast Alaska. Peter Fairley, Garbage In, Megawatts Out, July 2, 2008, PO Box 1842Knoxville, TN 37901865.637.6055, Maggie Shober works to speed the clean energy transformation in the Southeast through analysis and advocacy. These recovery and biomass boilers are responsible for most of the energy generated by the forest products (biomass) sector, either as steam heat for process uses, or electricity generated for on-site use. March 6, 2009. Southeast Asia used construction equipment market is expected to reach a value of $1,470 billion in 2029 from $1,012 million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of approximately 5.48% The Earthmoving. Spruce Roots mission is to drive a regenerative economy across Southeast Alaska so communities can forge futures grounded in this uniquely Indigenous place, said Alana Peterson, Executive Director for Spruce Root. States and electricity suppliers in the southeastern United States have been most vocal in their concern that they may be unfairly burdened by an RES. This cooperative agreement is truly an innovative approach taken by the USDA, said Richard Chalyee esh Peterson, President of Tlingit & Haida. An official website of the The paper is a survey of existing research and assessments by the federal government and other experts. March 2022 SASS meeting in Juneau, Alaska. This included virtual Open Houses, an online feedback tool, an information-filled website, and a dedicated email address for submitting input, letters, and/or existing plans or specific investment proposals. Together, this significant duplication and overbuild of infrastructure costs customers billions. IRENA said, in the long term, average annual investment of $210 billion was needed on renewable energy, energy efficiency and to support technologies and infrastructure in the period to 2050 to . It gives an overview of the ORE status of the region in terms of its potential and existing policies that support the utilization of ORE as an alternative source of energy. "The Economic Availability of Biomass in the Southeastern United States," by T. Young, D. Ostermeier, J. Thomas, R. Brooks. connected to the .gov website. If you wish to learn more the India inquiry, reach out to Saksham Nijhawan at S . This article contributes to the growing academic literature on ocean renewable energy (ORE) in SEA by improving understanding of the opportunities and challenges of ORE development in the region . The site is secure. Addresses critical community capacity needs and/or increases capacity. New resources (such as dedicated biocrops) or other biomass sources (such as municipal solid waste) may need to be used if biomass from forest residues and forest product industry wastes do not prove sufficient to meet RES goals. Community Capacity total commitment of $3.125 million, which includes about $1.7 million for five projects announced today. CRS Report RL34059, The Carbon Cycle: Implications for Climate Change and Congress, by [author name scrubbed]. These proposals reflect the broad and deep need for economic stimulus in Southeast Alaska. hXKk0+?F3SCwCL6{-+$B By converting biomass, waste materials, or other carbon-containing materials into a synthesized gas (synthesis gas or syngas) comprised mostly of carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, the syngas can be burned directly to generate electricity.39 Further processing via Fischer-Tropsch methods40 or other forms of catalysis can convert the syngas into higher value chemicals or transportation biofuels such as ethanol, methanol, or a form of biodiesel called di-methyl ether. Federal support for research and development is believed by many policymakers to be crucial in making renewable energy technologies more cost-competitive. Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 at 16 U.S.C. Invest Trillions Today to Keep Climate Change at Bay: IEA, Impacts of Global Biofuel Boom Remain Murky, The Other Peak Oil: Demand from Developed World Falling. These proposals reflect the broad and deep need for economic stimulus in Southeast Alaska. 26 USC 48. The OneUSDA team recommends distributing the initial $25 million investment into four broad categories: In alignment with SASS, the Forest Service is refocusing resources on the Tongass National Forest to implement an integrated forest management program that includes watershed and wildlife habitat restoration, sustainable young-growth harvest, and old-growth harvest for small timber sales and cultural uses. The efficiency of boilers at these levels of biomass input is not affected and resulting overall air emissions are reduced.31 In the future, much of the biomass co-fired in coal plants may come from biocrops. This discussion provides an overview of the Southeast Asian region's renewable energy resources like solar energy, wind power, geothermal, hydropower, biomass, by considering their. Juneau, AK (September 6, 2022) Three Southeast Alaska entities today announced regional strengthening agreements supported through the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy. Reprinted from Greenwire with permission from Environment & Energy Publishing, LLC. We are grateful for USDAs investment, and we also know more must be done. In addition to the Economic Investment component, the Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy also involves ending large-scale, old-growth timber harvest and focusing resources to support forest restoration, recreation, climate resilience, and sustainable young-growth management. . Sustainable management of forest resources is a basic consideration. Website by, SACE | Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Analysis finds Renewables cheaper than all Southeast coal plants. Making up some of this gap from market sources using procurement bids and new commercial solar or wind installations may be possible. With biomass representing the most widely used (and ostensibly the least expensive) renewable energy resource in the United States, its potential use in meeting RES requirements is key to the success of any RES that may be enacted. The OneUSDA team is continuing to work with Tribal Nations, Alaska Native corporations, and other partners to distribute all funds in 2022. Transportation costs associated with biomass will bear strongly on the decision to site a biomass power facility. Actual job growth may actually be even higher when factoring in better regional competitiveness. Vietnam has a high potential for renewable energy, including hydro, solar, wind, biomass, and waste. Thanks for reading Scientific American. From 2016 to 2021, USAIDs $16.3 million Clean Power Asia program also: For the past five years, USAID Clean Power Asia has been working with Lower Mekong countries and other Southeast Asian nations to encourage power sector investments in environmentally friendly, clean energy sources, focusing on incorporating renewable energy into planning, promoting smart incentives, building an enabling environment for renewable energy policies, and mobilizing finance. Wave, tidal energy, and ocean thermal energy conversion could be tapped, to provide alternative sources of clean and dependable energy in the region. US Department of Energy, Biomass Cofiring in Coal-Fired Boilers, Identifying short- and long-term opportunities for investments that reflect the diverse opportunities and needs in the region. This increased renewable generation plays a significant role in advancing sustainability goals and reducing carbon outputs. Biomass has been characterized by advocates for an RES in the Southeast (i.e., Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia) as the regions main renewable resource which could be used to meet a standard. Marshall Steam Station, a coal-fired power plant owned by utility Duke Energy. Join us for three days to advance your understanding of new policy and opportunities that will equip your business with the necessary skills to compete in the ever-developing industry. This auction will not only offset polluting emissions, but also improve fair and transparent power project procurement and promote energy security and independence for Laos. Of these plants included in the analysis, both local and regional solar resources are less expensive than all of the coal plants analyzed. USDA Forest Service photo. To understand geography . Governments Across Southeast Asian Countries Are Accelerating Renewable Energy Investments With increasing global environmental concerns, governments across Southeast Asian countries plan. A companion policy report to the Southeast modeling highlights successful state policies smoothing the clean energy transition for coal-dependent communities in Colorado and New Mexico, which could be a valuable model for the Southeast. Ibid. AF&PA points to a study of the effects of a 20% RPS by their counterparts in Europe, which concluded that simple power generation from biomass (i.e., wood and recovered paper) should only be considered when recycling is no longer feasible to maximize economic and environmental benefits.56, In contrast, the Biomass Power Association says that its members cannot profitably compete with the pulp and paper industry for supplies of woody biomass at existing prices of $60 per bone dry ton (BDT), and must seek alternative supplies in the $40 per BDT range, or lower.57 Thus, other sources of biomass are targeted.
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