To experimentally investigate electrostatics, some chargedetecting or measuring device is needed. Measure all currents, voltages and power readings at same load settings of resistor load cart from step 5. Static Electricity Lab Report new - Static Electricity Lab - StuDocu then repeat the demo using the sim. where r is the distance between the two charges and k is called the proportionality constant and is USW00094728 Charge the rough plastic rod with cat's fur. Conclusion/Discussion Test your understanding: Without using the simulations, predict the answers to these questions, then use the simulation to check your ideas. . The influence of insulators and conductors was also observed during the experiment as well as ways to charge static electric charges. The fundamental concept in electrostatics is electrical charge. PDF Sticky Tape Experiments Lab - Physics Classroom Hold the metal plate by its insulating handle as far from the metal as possible. An electroscope is a simple instrument to detect the presence of electric charge. Figure 2 On the Van de Graaff, a hollow metal sphere is supported by a cylindrical insulating support stand. 4. much stronger repulsion than when the non-sticky sides face each other. The electric field surrounding a charged object gets weaker with distance, the object will have a stronger attractive force on its closest charges of opposite sign and a weaker repulsive force on the like charges farther away. Step 3: Add an extra bulb into the circuit loop. You are going to measure the displacement of the hanging ball. The reason of why electrolytes or ionic compounds are supposed to conduct electricity is because of the charge of the molecule, ionic . Copyright: Berea, Kentucky, United States. If the humidity is high, as it is sometimes in the summer, the experiments are more difficult, and some may be impossible. Hold one end of the neon tube with your fingers, and bring the metal plate slowly closer to the other end. A static Electrical circuits are described with mathematical expressions. Start your timer immediately after charging the electroscope. 990 Words. Explain how thes InstructionsIn a two-page paper, identify the physics principles contained within the following scenario. move? You can record and graph data in Excel or by hand (although if you work by hand, you will lose the opportunity for 2 mills of additional credit below). Please help with lab report discussion and conclusion. Please write answers direct on the PDF file. When you are asked to write your observations, please do so in a clear, complete manner. When charge is brought near the top electrode, the movable vane moves outward, being repelled by the fixed vane. USW00094728 Electrostatics Lab - YouTube will attract each other. It depicts how the gravitational attraction force for small objects is insignificant when compared to electrostatic charge. Critique the lab and describe opportunities for further / future work. charge is produced because some electrons are transferred from one object to the other. The general conclusion is that there are two kinds of charge, which are in some way opposite. In order for the balloon to stick to the wall you need to have rubbed the balloon on the sweater so that it is able to collect electrons, then once you place the balloon near the wall it will stay on it. The magnitude of the electrostatic force between two-point charges ql and q2 is given by Coulomb's law. Now remove the lucite rod. Summarize the findings. will have a stronger attractive force on its closest charges of opposite sign and a weaker repulsive This process is called charging by friction. sweater so that it is able to collect electrons, then once you place the balloon near the wall Record your observations. electrostatics - Encyclopedia Britannica | Britannica The lab uses an internet application to demonstrate how equal and opposite charges on pith balls create a repulsion force that . The side which the tape faces matters. Protons Distance (m) Voltage (V), Volts/Meter Where does the charge on the metal plate come from? 4.Ask Reflect on your answer to #2, write down how your thinking has changed. Have a class discussion. Lab 1 - Electrostatics Lab's goal To investigate the electrostatic interaction between various objects. After writing this essay, I have realized the importance of electrostatics in our lives. For example, if a negatively charged rod is brought close to an isolated, neutral insulator, the electrons in the atoms of the insulator will be pushed slightly away from the negative rod, and the positive nuclei will be attracted slightly toward the negative rod. 4) For each of the following objects, determine whether they are repe. Conclusion general unknown metal objective the projectile motion are many concepts of a lab report conclusion. B. Hi, I need somehelp with General Chemistry class question. Equipment: Faraday Pail setup including ground plane and wire cage, charge sensor, two conducting spheres, high voltage electrostatic voltage source, computer with Wool is a conductive material, which means it readily gives away its electrons. When the air is humid, a thin, invisible film of water forms on all surfaces, particularly on the surfaces of the insulators in the experiment. the positive charge would pull When a charged object is brought near the electroscope, the gold Would you like to help your fellow students? Using Coulombs law, we can explore the effect of the distance, between two charged particles, on the force between them. Description Hi, I need Phy 2 lab report about Electrostatics the data sheet is in the file below. To understand the response of the electroscope when a charged rod is brought near, so that the electrical charges on the rod interact with charges already present in the electroscope. Thus, the positive charge is attracted to the rod more strongly than the negative charge is repelled, and there is an overall net attraction. 1. The arrows would be opposite to what the picture displays. Cut 4 pieces of tape each about 10-cm-longh. Describe potential sources of error (don't say human error). Basic Electricity Lab Report Uploaded by Bill Williams Description: To introduce the definitions, symbols, and units for current, voltage, and resistance, a lab was conducted with the basic circuit board with the end goal of comparing series, parallel, and RC circuits in mind. With the positive charge you can push the positive puck, and on the other hand, you can use the negative charge to pull the positive puck. b What happens? b. Electrostatics, as the name implies, is the study of stationary electric charges. Materials such as metals are conductors. PDF Separate Salt and Pepper with Static Electricity - University of Florida User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's. This can happen when two non-conducting materials are rubbed together for example plastic and fur. 1. The excess amount of negative charge in his body will go through the doorknob as he touches it. Basic Questions for Ohm's Law Lab Report Question: What is Variable DC supply? 7: Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions (Experiment) The lucite plate is positively charged by being rubbed with silk. Projectile motion lab report conclusion - N.D. Wilson If the needle falls to 0 in 15 seconds or so, as it does on some summer days, you will probably have difficulty completing the experiments, even with the help of the heat lamp. A static charge is produced because some electrons are transferred from one object to the other. differences in the two models represented by the sims. USW00094728 Record the time it takes the electroscope needle to fall completely to 0. attachment_1. Electrostatic Lab [1] Purpose: To determine the charge and charge distribution on insulators charged by the triboelectric effects and conductors charged by an Electrostatic Voltage Source. (Theoretically, it should be 2.000, but what does your curve fit produce?). This experiment consists of many short demonstrations in electrostatics. Each metal atom contributes one or two electrons that can move relatively freely through the material. Conclusions Can you conclude that one disk has a tendency to become positively charged and one Our tutors are highly qualified and vetted. Observe what happens with the electroscope needle. grounding. The presence of the charged object above the plate of the electroscope, induces electrons within the electroscope to move accordingly. We are all familiar with the fact that cold, dry days are hot for electrostatics, and we get small shocks after walking across a rug and touching a door knob, or sliding across a car seat and touching the metal of the car door. In a metal, a charge can move freely and stay on the surface. A rod of plastic rubbed with fur or a rod of glass rubbed with silk will attract small pieces of paper and is said to be electrically charged. SE2. By grounding the end of the tube with your fingers, you are providing a pathway for the charges to move. Diagram in your notes what happened with the charges. material ends up with an excess of electrons and becomes negatively charged, while the The negatively charged balloon repels the negatively charged electrons, thus forcing them to move downwards. The material losing electrons now has fewer electrons than normal and becomes positive. There are 3 types of metals for electricity conducting: metallic conductor, semiconductor, and superconductor. 2. use two of the same ones exactly opposite to each other, they would also cancel out and the puck and rubbing his foot on the carpet, once he touches the door knob that is metal he is shocked or In the demo John Travoltage is basically attaining negative electrons/particles due to stepping Electrochemistry Lab Report Conclusion - Hard rubber rods, which are also commonly used, become negatively charged. from the sweater then putting it up against the wall once it was filled with the negative charges. It is pretty easy Astronomy Lab due. with your partner what is happening when he touches the knob. Repeat the demo several times. several objects found around the home made of wood, glass plastic and rubber Then, describe some of your experiments and Coulombs Law: If this is the case, you can try again next week. This process extends to other objects and real world applications, such as the controlling of electrical cable manufacturing and application in areas such as a television depot station, where static electricity must be managed and accounted for to avoid disruptions. contrast to the one from the negative charge? a. Remove the sliding ball, and recheck the equilibrium position of the inside edge of the hanging ball. Access over 20 million homework documents through the notebank, Get on-demand Q&A homework help from verified tutors, Read 1000s of rich book guides covering popular titles. Time up to five minutes, if necessary. ECE 494 - Lab 1: Three Phase Power Measurements - New Jersey Institute In an electric field, the system can be repulsive or attractive, whereas in a gravitational field, the systems are just attractive in accordance to its specific mass in its region. Question: Lab 1: ELECTROSTATICS PURPOSE: To understand the behavior of charged objects and the process of charging by rubbing. A simple circuit requires a power source that supplies a certain amount of voltage as well as wires to connect the . Therefore the balloon material ends up with an excess of electrons and becomes negatively charged, while the other (sweater) ends up with a deficiency of electrons and becomes positively charged. We can observe attraction and repulsion between electrically-charged objects. 4 Pages. After completing these experiments, it was observed that like charges repel one another and opposite charges attract. is placed inside a strong electric field, the material may become polarized. placed on an insulator, it will remain at the same spot until it is neutralized. Preparation At your lab station, you should have three disc-shaped objects mounted on long, insulating handles. Include in the discussion the vocabulary: electric repulsion; compare with charge Record the results in your notes. You will learn to detect the presence of electric charges and, at least semi-quantitatively, measure them. Create a portfolio of projectile motion sensor and experiments.
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