Look at and steal from the entries herein. The original edition was developed and written by Scott David Aniolowski, with supporting material written by Sandy Petersen and Lynn Willis. A strange and rarely encountered avatar of YogSothoth, Aforgomon appears to be concerned with time rather than space. bullets). In addition, it speaks of Yog-Sothoth as siring the Old One, although other texts report the Unspeakable Ones hatred for Yog-Sothoth and the other Outer Gods, which amplifies another strand of thinking concerning the entity: that it exists to first corrupt and then destroy the cosmic order. Magic POW: 140 Magic Points: 28 Spells: Bestow Glimpse of Truth, Command Shoggoth, Create Mist of Rlyeh (variant), Fist of Yog-Sothoth, Solar Gaze; others as the Keeper desires. Cult Ygolonacs human cults appear to be short-lived affairs, often burning out as quickly as they are established; such is the nature of their worship, their hedonistic and depraved activities often bringing the attention of the authorities or else causing the demise of the group through acts of self-destruction. Humans may resist with a successful Hard POW roll, although this is increased to Extreme difficulty if the Old One invests 1 magic point. One presumes some form of Elder confinement, but this too is unclear. Cosmic Wisdom: the transference of particular knowledge, which may concern magic; events past, present, or future; and the accumulation of wisdom (Cthulhu Mythos skill). Qyth-az has no organized human cult, although it may be worshiped on distant worlds. 56 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult Powers Mind Control: may read and control the minds of animals and humans. If so, ask for a Luck roll from all, with the worst (highest) signifying who should attempt a Dodge roll to avoid instant death. (humans included). Aura Clearly, anything associated with Rlim Shaikorth carries an unearthly coldness; indeed, picking up an idol to the Old One is likely to inflict one point of damage through a shock of cold. Details concerning the life, society, and origins of ghouls are within, and of the relationship between humans and ghouls. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: TAWIL ATUMR STR 150 Cult Tawil atUmr does not appear to have any human cults but may be known and called by those seeking the wisdom of Yog-Sothoth. One challenge takes the cake when it comes to the need for communication though, but we have ways to assist you. Some dissension exists as to whether this hidden realm is contained on this planet or if, as a few would suggest, the location is simply a doorway to another world or dimension, providing access to and from the Green Abyss. CHAPTER 2 m a l 34 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS 35 CHAPTER 2 m a l Azathoth, the seething nuclear chaos Powers Coterie: accompanied by 1D10 servitors (see Outer Gods, Servitor of) and 1D6 lesser outer gods (Outer Gods, Lesser) who play nightmarish music designed to placate Azathoth. A few wicked individuals (mostly sorcerers) have sought to capitalize on Nyogthas hunger, enticing the Old One with numerous human offerings in return for boons of magic and knowledge. 161 CHAPTER 2 m a l SMALL CRAWLER, THE foreshadowing some momentous event. If true, this may throw doubt upon the theories surrounding Tindalos and its terrifying inhabitants. Combat Attacks per round: 1D6 (claws) or 1 (feed) Able to attack with claws to strike, pierce, and grab, or may alternatively forgo these to feed. Thus, we can consider Nodens and others of its ilk as grasping onto power and life. Aura Perception of reality may be altered when in the presence of a Mythos god. Magic POW: 100 (increased by POW absorbed from victims) Magic Points: 20 (increased by POW absorbed from victims) Spells: Dampen Light (variant), Dominate, Drown Mind, Implant Fear, others at the Keepers discretion. Considered to be a minor Old One, Nyogtha may not yet be fully mature and its powers yet to completely manifest, which may explain its ability to partially or temporarily transport itself to Earth while seemingly unable to leave its cave in Yoth (forgotten Elder Wards may play a role too, but that remains speculative). TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: HYPNOS STR 100 CON 500 *SIZ may vary up to SIZ 150. None know its true size as only portions are seen where it interacts with our reality. Encounters Initial encounters may see Han first appear as a shadow within a mist, but it may later take on a more substantial formusually that of a humanoid-like entity wrapped in a black cloak and a dense fog. Geoff Gillan: The Skinless One. For those within 5 yards/ meters, the CON roll is Hard, and damage increases to 1D4+2. Possible Blessings Eyeless: cultists of Zu-che-quon pluck out their own eyes in an act of fealty, with their god bestowing enhanced sensory faculties in return. In addition, may utilize its Howl power instead of physical combat (see above). Illumination and truth only come at the end and are often accompanied by great suffering. While the information is fragmentary, it is suggested that during the manifestation Tulzscha took possession of a number of humans (said to have burned out their eyes), whom then departed and disappeared without a trace. She takes many forms, but always regal and dazzling. Consume Life Force: Sebek may drain 1D10 magic points from a human within 20 yards/meters. Occasionally, the deity may deign to appear or send a message to such humans, with such communication designed to fulfill some requirement or task in Nodens favor, perhaps to counter the work and machinations of other entities and their followers, such as the various cults of Nyarlathotep. Combat Attacks per round: 1 (lash or grab) If threatened, lashes out or grabs, forming pseudopods, tentacles, or limbs to do so. Known on numerous worlds in various times, this entity is seen by some as protector of sorts, able to aid those who call upon its name. YTHOGTHA (Great Old One) The statuette was loathsome and felt wet when touched despite its bone-dry appearance. Magic POW: 300 Magic Points: 60 Spells: none. Bugg-Shash remains an enigma to wizards and humanity in general. 141 CHAPTER 2 m a l Encounters Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos, is said to possess one thousand forms, each acting independently of the others, yet directed and combined through a single will. Seemingly, certain summoning rites may be able to briefly rouse the entity, although these unable to fully wake it. While there appears to be little more motive than the desire to engorge itself on human flesh and minds, some suggest that there is more going on, with the entity itself performing some kind of elaborate ritual, played over the decades. The victim may instead be swallowed (see below). This work builds on the dedication and research of Scott David Aniolowski, who complied the first edition of the Malleus Monstroum in 2006. The content is where it really shines though, very thorough background information and ideas how to use the Deities and minions in your campaigns. bullets). Much like Nyarlathoteps other monstrous avatar forms, the Black Wind appears like a force of cosmic nature, unstoppable and devastating. Those taken back to its lair may fed upon, losing 2D10 points of POW per 24 hours. 207 CHAPTER 2 m a l Tulzscha, the green flame Sanity Loss: 1D4/2D10 Sanity points. Various entries list certain immunities or vulnerabilities; use the following for clarification and guidance as needed. The story features the character of the title, the avaricious money-lender Avoosl Wuthoqquan, chasing a pair of ill-gotten emeralds that mysteriously rolled away from his possession, out of the city of Commoriom and into a far-away cavern. Theoretically, if the power to destroy a planet was directed at Ghroth it could conceivably damage or kill this entity, causing it to shatter in an explosion of rock, iron, dust, and other materials (which on their own may cause large-scale planetary devastation). Once killed in its true form, Yidhra may not reform. Fighting n/a Aura A distinct otherworldliness seems to be a feature of contact with Chorazin, making many believe they are being targeted by aliens or even spirits. 64 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS CYEGHA (Great Old One) artifacts or other special items. The effect can be resisted with a POW roll, and otherwise negated or ended if the idol is destroyed. Where cults to this entity exist, a common rite is a ceremonial bloodletting in which adherents cut their arms to let their blood drip onto idols of their god. But, as it came forward, the fur revealed itself to be a mass of tiny tendrils or tentacles. A living machine, sometimes crafted in human form and covered with real or artificial skin, which, when peeled back, reveals all manner of artifice (be it cogs and gears, or transistors and wires). Magic POW: 120 Magic Points: 24 Spells: Mind Blast, Oscillating Expanse, Pose Mundane, Soul Singing, Wrack, Wrath of Pazzuzu; others as determined by the Keeper. Others dont even realize there is a cult, as they are individuals who have been touched by Cthulhus dreams. All of the classic adventures can be played with 5th Edition Pendragon. Scholars remain uncertain as to whether these entities are distinct and coincidentally have the same name, or whether the within the wisdom of the Lakota peoples is some deep truth concerning this Old One. Indeed, the mysterious disappearances of certain vessels ranging in the mid-Pacific have brought some scholars to the conclusion that this entitys Elder leash is fraying, if not broken, and that its intervals of freedom to stray from the watery tomb of Rlyeh are increasing. Yog-Sothoth is the key and guardian of the gate. Malleus Monstrorum: Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary Volume II: Deities of the Cult Idol of Tsathoggua Human worship of Tsathoggua is relatively small scale when compared to the entitys role within certain factions of serpent people society. Flash: emits a wave of dazzling white light in a 360-degree arc, with all within 10 yards/meters required to attempt a combined CON and POW roll or suffer 1D4 damage as the light rips into their flesh and causes painful burns. All such cults appear to hold the central belief that one day Cthugha shall come to cleanse the unworthy from the planet and that the blessed ones shall be reborn in flame to claim this world as their own. Possible Blessings Carriers: able to identify and somehow magically wake a component portion of Hastalk, a cultist may carry that sentient element within them, bestowing their touch with a mutable agency that causes sickness in those they touch. If true, its caging in a limbo dimension may be the means to control and limit Quachil Uttaus effect upon reality; for, if freed of its shackles, it would bring about a limitless path of destruction that would cause the very stars to burn out and the cosmos to fall into darkness. In some cases, early contact might cause some to believe they are hearing or seeing communications from the man in the TV, or the voice on the radio, or aliens. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: CHORAZIN STR n/a CON n/a SIZ n/a Encounters DEX n/a Consumers of media (whether radio, television, or the internet) may find themselves targeted by Chorazin. Young people are particularly honored by these cults and treated exceptionally well (given the best food and so on), with many becoming indoctrinated into cult beliefs and willingly offering themselves as sacrifices (whether to let blood or offer their deaths in devotion to their god). All hearing the sound should make a Sanity roll, with varying losses based on the distance: Contradictory accounts suggest this entity originated within the light of Xoth, was spawned upon the cosmic winds, or heralded from a planet named Kithonil (sometimes Kytani or Kythanol) near to the red star Arcturus. The tentacle has a range of 10 yards/ meters. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: NCTOSA & NCTOLHU Use this profile for both entities. Locs works also graces several board games, covering themes from ancient Greece to car rallies! What the real truth of Cthylla is remains unknown, and it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that everything humanity thinks it knows is, in fact, a lie for a larger and more hideous truth. Possibly, somehow reducing Ghroths POW to zero would cause the entity to cease to exist or become a lifeless planet. Certain magical weapons are said to negate their armor. All other teammates must be careful not to damage the Monstrosity by more than 10% because you won't be able to complete the Penance. Shadow Creatures: as Han moves, bits of its cloak fall off, taking the shape of bat-like and serpentine shadow creatures that fly or slither off into the night. Members meditate on the end of existence and, in time, seek out their own deathseither by the hand of another cult member or by attempting to summon their god. Cannot be harmed by mundane weapons (incl. 70% (35/14), damage 2D6 70% (35/15), damage 5D6 (see above) 60% (30/12), damage 1D6 (per mouth) Armor None. Encounters with its servants are possible, who may be employed in digging and retrieval efforts to reclaim meteorite fragments, crystals, and the like. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: SHUDDE MELL STR 450 CON 400 SIZ 600 DEX 75 Hit Points: 100 Damage Bonus (DB): +12D6 Build: 13 Move: 8 / 10 burrowing Combat Attacks per round: 1D4+4 (tentacles) or 1D4 (grab) or 1 (smash) May use its tentacles to bash, attacking with 1D4+4 tentacles (6D6 damage), may grab and then crush or drain up to 1D4 opponents, or use its bulk to smash and pound once per round.
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