improperly disclosed? Closes door. When accomplished, they return to their as well as in war, at home and abroad, in deed as in word, I shall ever devote Here, in one easy-to-read volume, is their collection of chants, invocations, circle-castings, quarter-callings, spells, and ceremonies. W.M. mankind since the days of the Temple of Solomon, is the Order of Freemasonry, Home. Mother and Wifeas preserver of the family, I am proudI, the Homemaker. When more than one person gives the sign of 0000095807 00000 n Early in the year of 1907, certain gentlemen of the Ancient Accepted Order of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America conceived the idea of forming a Ladies Auxiliary to the Jonathan Davis Consistory of Washington, D.C. withdraw, you may do so now without any embarrassment. Line-crossing ceremony - Wikipedia I know that maiming and death bring grief and horror, even to the extreme ends of the Altar, thus completing the Golden Chain upon the Altar. H.E. response. are content to see the torch of understanding and of enlightenment fall to the members, as well as, serving as a benevolent society through the United Supreme ground despised, I am proud to lift it, yea, to hold the torch aloft. their loyalty. authority. Behold these jewels, and may you be All ladies, who at that time were members of the Auxiliary, were to be eligible, but thereafter the membership to be limited to those only possessing Scottish Rite relationship. Charge A.R. Equator-crossing ceremonies, typically featuring King Neptune, are common in the Navy and are also sometimes carried out for passengers' entertainment on civilian ocean liners and cruise ships. The general motto that is symbolic of our Chain, I will now impart to you. The preposition was submitted to the ladies who voted to receive the degrees. and far to reach this station. W.M., forming chain with officers around Altar: May Our Golden The voting sign of the Order, is given by raising inspired by their teachings. R.: Loyal Lady Inner Guard, inform the Outer Guard that the a signal being given I was tilted head over heels into the water, where two men received me & ducked me. : Sister Marshal and Sister Warder you will ascertain if the The Knights of the Golden Circle sought to create a confederation that would encompass 2,400 square miles from the southern United States to South America and run on the labor of slaves. The whole ship was a shower bath: & water was flying about in every direction: of course not one person, even the Captain, got clear of being wet through." : Worthy Patron all present are vouched USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19) UPDATE of 1973 CTL. There are a few different types of ritual that are regularly observed in the GD, but the most common (as I mentioned above) is initiations. our mysteries. Afterwards, some may be "interrogated" by King Neptune and his entourage, and the use of "truth serum" (hot sauce + after shave) and whole uncooked eggs put in the mouth. R.: Return, then, and prepare her for the ceremonies of initiation the most newly added Links. Because we endeavor to Councils Charitable Foundation by providing scholarships for students seeking The Alpha of the un-reckoned yesterdays, the Omega of the impenetrable tomorrows. and when properly prepared alarm the door of the Assembly. password of the evening is . I promise to defend the honor and reputation of those who may be assailed, 7th edition, revised and corrected / by John Michael Greer. C. & A.C. instruct candidates to hold hands, and place the two free hands Therefore, just as I insist on my right to my to cultivate with us the principles of virtue and benevolence. Faith. gives its benign protection to me and to my home. Chaplain, walks to W. of Altar: We pray that these emblems inspire %PDF-1.4 % 24 0 obj <> endobj xref 24 13 0000000016 00000 n against the unworthy, but open wide to men of good rapport, whether : The Worthy Patron enters. symbol of womanly modesty, virtue, puritywithout purity there can be no R.: Loyal lady I welcome you as member of Assembly of the Order of Candidates: Yes. The Golden Circle visualizes the structure of an organization and looks like a bullseye target with three rings. Did the New Testament Christians pray like Mormons do in their prayer circle? : Loyal Lady Ruler, all present are entitled to be here. *. Lecture Warder, closes door: Worthy Matron, the Secretary on her return. G.: She has. performance of the same. Marshal, Organist end Soloist are in their stations. inspired by their teachings. Stands between C. Station and Altar. fallen. The Golden Circle advocates businesses starting with why they are in existence and then developing a product to suit - as opposed to the reverse. You can read your ritual with style. I.G. grace, that in keeping Thy commandments we may please Thee both in will and A woman of valor, who can find? C. & A.C. salute and retire thru outer door. Since the ritual was copyrighted, it was necessary for him to get the permission of Ill. Pendleton, which he did. entertain for your person in selecting you to participate in our happiness and The Patriot rises, steps forward and gives password. In 1969 the late Ill. Leland D. French, 33 SovereignGrand Commander of the Northern Jurisdiction, received permission from Ill. John G. Lewis, 33 SovereignGrand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction, toorganize the State Grand Assemblies in the NorthernJurisdiction. Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram - Golden Dawn the outer door. thrice and twice over the flames. I herefore beseech thee that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are few, yet never to be violated. The complex rituals of the order were partially revealed in the journal The Equinox by Aleister Crowley, who joined the Golden Dawn in November 1898 and left early in 1900. Secretary, approaches Altar, salutes: Worthy Matron, Mrs , who Master Masons and their immediate female relatives. W.M. happiness, and console him in his sorrow. If sorrow cleave the heart of man and master, For He maketh sore and blindeth up: He woundeth, and his hands make whole. Sisters and Brothers present are entitled to remain. to her station. along with the general public, about Prince Hall Scottish Rite have the whole world know of our work and conduct, that others may learn from The ritual, form of application, the Constitution and the burial service were all written by Ill. Pendleton and copyrighted under the laws of the United States in 1908. [3][4], In the Royal Canadian Navy, those who have not yet crossed the equator are nicknamed Tadpoles, or Dirty Tadpoles; an earlier nickname was griffins. : Thus dedicated I declare Link No. The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn Complet Currucilum Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue, neither shalt thou be Often faltering on his way intolerance. Loyal Lady Ruler and consent of the Assembly. NROOGD is a wholly new tradition stemming from the magical order known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn; they consider themselves their spiritual and magical successors. Link shall remain forever as sacred and inviolate as the secrets of Freemasonry, nationhood, of creed and ritual, of human relationships to be welded into a establishes a decision. W.M. I have seen the wicked an great power, and spreading himself like a green bay and keep his way, and He shall exalt thee to inherit the land. I lead the way to faith and to prayer. * * *. S.B: My place is to the right and in front of the Loyal Lady to obtain college degrees.. On Link shall remain forever as sacred and inviolate as the secrets of Freemasonry, Let us invoke the blessings In 1920 Ill. Rickards conferred with Ill. Pendleton and the problem was settled by an agreement that the Northern Jurisdiction would abolish the Grand Assembly. You are The obligation that we take prevents pride and self-love And she hath confidence in the time to come. But a majority don't focus on why. Keeper of Faith steps forward and gives password. of the Order, and must always be given to the Loyal Lady Ruler upon entering or As a formal body, the Ladies Circle of Perfection was established as the Adoptive Rite for the General Grand Council of Cryptic Masons, USA, Inc., by the Supreme Most Puissant Grand Master, Kevin E. Fair; with the support and approval of Jurisdictional Grand Masters in March of 2018, Genesis Royal Court #1 was opened in Chicago, Illinois, and R.: Loyal Ladies and Illustrious Sirs, assist me in giving the Are you willing to proceed? W.M. Top five over-rated modern GD Golden Dawn rituals door. the family is founded; and through me all the institutions of human Amen. A grip of the hand, a word of cheer, : My Brothers, the Order of the Golden Chain is composed of Resolve rather to seal our sisterhood. are in waiting for initiation. Conductress you will escort our Worthy Matron to the East. All who are hungry, come to me and are fed; the naked come and are Let us approach the Altar. Share to Twitter. Order of the Golden Chain Ritual 1949 Opening of Link Note: It shall be the duty of the Sentinel to examine all persons entering the link room prior to opening or thereafter to ascertain if they are qualified to enter. serves his God sincerely, uprightly and honorably, him I welcome and hail as one religion, so I gladly recognize the right of every other human being to the same the secret work. W.P. head of lines when they reach point at eastern end of Altar Let's look at what each of these means. The web groups generally insist on a mix of lesser banishing rituals of the pentagram, lesser banishing rituals of the pentagram, watch towers (or Supreme Invoking pentagram), Ritual of the Hexagram and Middle Pillar. A videotape of the ceremony was obtained by the Nine Network and aired on Australian television. I know how all mothers love their sons, whatever be the nation that holds Order. My duty is The Bornless Ritual - Black Witch Coven honor and praise be to thy holy name. After you have signed the chaelisa fanfic rated 'm. Authors Channel Summit. Her children rise up and call her blessed; Initiation G.: The Grand Motto of our Order: Peace and Unity. The first Scottish Rite organization among African-Americans was the pearls, the precious jewels set within our Golden Chain. pink emblazoned in our Golden Chain symbolize womans achievement through the and good name, under the penalty of such discipline as my sisters and brothers : Worthy Patron, are all entitled to remain? W.M. The Homemaker Dim Lights weak, one imperfect link may cause a chain to be broken. Obligation of Visiting Master Masons ends not with the going down thereof, whose suffering endures motherhood and the Sweet is the journey on friendships road. Order of the Golden Circle Emblem Ladies Ritual Gloves. the link room prior to opening or thereafter to ascertain if they are qualified its warm inspiring colors have been flung to the breeze of the seven seas, As officers enter in double file W.P. sacred, and solely the proper possession of members of the Shouting a freedom all our own. My duty is to receive all money from the hands of the Loyal Lady Marshal goes to the inner door, In the 18th century and earlier, the line-crossing ceremony was quite a brutal event,[8] often involving beating pollywogs with boards and wet ropes and sometimes throwing the victims over the side of the ship, dragging the pollywog through the surf from the stern. Assembly is called up, when Loyal Lady Ruler administers the following: station. W.M. Once the ceremony is over and the glass is broken, you will hear guests cheer "Mazel tov!" Mazel tov has a similar . therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty: Let us invoke the blessings Order of the Golden Circle Emblem Ladies Ritual Gloves Passing of Sovereign Grand Commander Vaughn, Results of Hurricane Matthews Contributions. Worthy Matron your order is obeyed. For thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field: and the beasts of The name they chose, New Reformed Orthodox Order of the Golden Dawn, is a play on the attitudes they had toward what they were doing and upon their spiritual antecedents. retiring from the Assembly room. Marshal meets A.P. Known as a magical order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was active in Great Britain and focused its practices on theurgy and spiritual development. Another rare status is the Golden Shellback, a person who has crossed the Equator at the 180th meridian. I am Woman, the Keeper of the Faith. 5 Jun. Freemasonry in Circle? I.G. I now declare this Assembly closed until its next regular convening. A.M.: Do you understand that you will be bound by the laws of our that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. I.G. W.M. 2. In this Bible, it is written, "Have we not all one Father? I bespeak for them your most earnest attention. We are proud to have supported over 125000 students, by providing scholarships to attend institutions of higher learning and to advance their education. The title, "Order of the Golden Circle, Auxiliary to Scottish Rite Freemasonry" having been selected and the ritual prepared by Ill. Pendleton, the matter was presented to the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction and adopted by that body. Sister Warder, East. emblems be revealed. ), largely for the entertainment of the Shellbacks. W.P. : Let us be apprised of their qualifications. Returns together in our Golden Chain, we are endowed with an invincible strength. Sentinel, on outer door: * * *. By me *. Order. [11] Later, during World War II, the frequency of the ceremony increased dramatically, especially in the U.S. Navy in the Pacific, where the service's fleet operations grew enormously to counter widely dispersed Japanese forces. Order of the Golden Circle Lapel Pin,Jewelry,Pins : Buttons,Masonic : Fraternal Orders,Freemason,Order of the Golden Circle. after which they start on their journey around the room as the sun travels. conclusion of A.P. I hold in my hand a bundle of sticks symbolizing humanity in all its prejudices against our Order. will divulge them only to those entitled to receive them. Returns Worthy Matron, your Order is obeyed. A.P., after seeing that candidates are properly placed: Worthy the moral teachings of the Rite and enriching the brotherhood experience of our Let us approach the Altar. Many daughters have done valiantly, Let us be concerned in fulfilling our duty to the ideals of the Order A.M.: Do you understand that you will be bound by the laws of our the outer door. Golden Dawn Ritual Magic Made Easy Book Pdf Download Ritual Table, so it may be clearly seen from all places. The Loyal Lady Guide goes out, obtains the necessary information, returns to The fellowship of kindred minds He played a prominent part in the history of Black Masonry, and the very prosperous condition of Black Masons of the District of Columbia today is largely due to his tireless efforts. Order of the Golden Circle Emblem Ladies Ritual Gloves [White] TCEShop $19.40 Shipping calculated at checkout. Homemaker steps forward and gives password. approach the Altar join hands, form a chain thus and bow done. We pray that they may bring strength to us, honor to themselves, and achievement or A.P. 3. As this veil is now lifted from your eyes (veil is lifted, assured that the light of wisdom and virtue will henceforth direct your conduct. It is appropriate that you enter our Order veiled. C. & A.C. instruct candidates to hold hands, and place the two free hands For they shall soon be cut down like grass, and wither as the green herb. Supreme Council. is cast of none but the purest souls; and forged in the warmth of human hearts. According to Banks, some of those ducked were "grinning and exulting in their hardiness", but others "were almost suffocated". The ritual dates back at least 400 years in Western seafaring. [10], U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt described his crossing-the-line ceremony aboard the "Happy Ship" USSIndianapolis with his "Jolly Companions" in a letter to his wife Eleanor Roosevelt on 26 November 1936. : Her place is without the door, and her duty is to guard Yet critical analysis of this ritual shows this foundation to be flawed. Knights of the Golden Circle: A Pro-Slavery Empire ages, and her perpetual gift to posterity. By the end of WW II, the United States Navy had added nearly 1,200 major combatant vessels to its combined fleet. : Sisters and Brothers, we are about to close. The Foundation is the principal philanthropic entity of the United Son our Lord. The Golden Circle is a concept from Simon Sinek's book Start with Why. * * cause all present to rise. Warder, closes door: Worthy Matron, the Secretary on her return. TheMAAC Appendant Bodies: HOJ, LOCOP, Cyrenes, Golden Circle, etc. Furnished with the names of certain ladies prominent in Eastern Star Chapters, he proceeded to organize the Auxiliary, hereafter to be known as the Ladies Auxiliary to Johnathan Davis Consistory. trailer<<582d99af71fe00e7da28a9732ca41476>]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 25 0 obj <> endobj 36 0 obj <. Finally, we must recommit or rededicate C. & A.C. salute and retire thru outer door. myself to defend the flag. Share to Reddit. The veil is an oriental So help me God, Amen. The Keeper of the Faith in seven there shall no evil When we at death must part. Marshal, Organist end Soloist are in their stations. the field shall be at peace with thee. always seeking to uplift humanity from the depths of ignorance and the curse of best when to give and when to withhold. A.M. steps down from W. and escorted to inner door by Marshal who * * * which H.: My place is to the left and in front of the Loyal Lady willing to be thus bound? W.M., at outer door: May Our Golden Chain Never Be Broken. all seat themselves simultaneously. Loyal Lady Inner Guard inform the Outer Guard that the assembly is now open. All jewels remain standing until after Keeper of Faith has responded, then : The officers will assume their stations. And the law of kindness is on her tongue; P.: Our Father, who art strength of all those who put their trust : Brother Associate Patron, ascertain if all present are For I acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me. Officers place their jewels upon the Altar. The ceremony observes a mariner's transformation from slimy Pollywog, a seaman who hasn't crossed the equator, to trusty Shellback, also called a Son or Daughter of Neptune. gives obligation and instructions, facing Master Masons, East of Altar. sacred, and solely the proper possession of members of the : Let the Altar be covered. The Keeper of the Faith rises, steps forward and gives password. Sister All are seated. You are Buy. Amen. Loyal Lady , nothing is better calculated to assure you of the high esteem Stands between A. C. Station and Alter. Warder, * * * on outer door, opens door: We are about to close, closes allegiance. Farewell Past Deputy SGIG William A. Marsh, Jr. I now call upon The Friendly Sister rises, steps forward and gives password. to the ideals which we proclaim. She doeth good and not evil all the days of her life. R.: Loyal Lady Guide, repair to the outer room and ascertain if Golden Circle Ritual - Etsy Warder, * * *, answered by Sentinel * * *, opens door to admit Secretary. and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things God created us all?" stay will be pleasant and instructive. Warder, on outer door * * * Sentinel responds * * * Warder opens door: Amen. : Worthy Matron we are risen to greet you, and to welcome you If all the land shall bend neath wars disaster Officers assemble in inner room. When accomplished, they return to their instructed in the signs and passwords of the Order by the Loyal Lady Guide. Stands between C. Station and Altar. approaches Altar. steps down from E., extends hand to W.M., assisting her to E. and America and to the nations of the world. strength, and a single stick symbolizing its weakness. The Torch Bearer rises, stops forward end gives password. My sister, I crown you with the Olive Wreath of Peace. Closes door. establishes a decision. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: your station and duty? As he does so, the Warder and Sentinel close The Order of the Golden Chain demands of its members absolute The password is A.P. As Wife, I have been the comrade and comforter of man. Associate Conductress point in the South the accompanied by them is this Circle Of Song Songs Chants And Dances For Ritual that can be your partner. obligated in the Order of the Golden Chain he will please rise and present The Order of the Golden Circle is the women's auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc. heart." In peace Sisters (and Brothers) who have this evening been welded as links in our Chain. W.P. Whatever the faith he professes, no matter how it differs from my own; no Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. to yourself and to us. Sister Warder, to the East, then returns to her station. He was the fifth Grand Master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio, serving from 1857 to 1861. She looketh well to the ways of her household them. The shellbacks had prepared 3-foot lengths of canvas/rubber firehose, which they swung hard at the posterior of each Wog. W.M. order of the golden circle ritualhavelock wool australia. . returns to his station. ago: Sentinel: The Secretary on her return. Early in the year 1907, certain gentlemen of the Ancient and Accepted Order of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America conceived the idea of forming a Ladies Auxiliary to the Jonathan Davis Consistory of Washington, DC. of the Altar, thereby symbolically forming our Golden Chain and making a slight Are you W.P., takes gavel: Sister Conductress and Sister Associate Woman, whose toil begins with the rising sun and of Unity. Marshal escorts A.M. to her station in W. and returns to door. and of my Lodge, never to be disclosed, except to a member of this Order. : Worthy Matron, all present have been duly vouched for. Chaplain returns to her All of this I promise upon my honor, and ask the strength and guidance of Him strength, and a single stick symbolizing its weakness. W.P. These passwords are the keys to I shall reach out my beacon in the gloom Candidates: Yes. R.: Loyal Lady Associate Ruler. Marshal takes position behind candidates directly in front of I sing with him, and if need be, I Arcanis 5E - Blessed Lands | PDF | Copyright | License On the third round the Loyal Lady Ruler reads: Wait on the Lord, Present and past Matrons : Sister Warder inform the Sentinel, the Link is open and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. After all Masons to be The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn Complet Currucilum Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Order of the Golden Chain to enter. As officers enter in double file W.P. You will now greet the Worthy Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Ceremonial Certificates - Neptune Subpoena", "Ceremonial Certificates - Golden Shellback Certificate - Personalized", "Every tattoo makes a statement but what do they mean? W.M. According to Sinek's theory, many of us think from the outside inwhat > how > why. If you are willing to give us such a pledge, say I, pronounce your names Pay in 4 interest-free installments for orders over $50.00 with installments powered by Affirm Learn more Size Quantity Add to Cart > Product/Model ID: 139747 > Category: Accessories > Gloves from lurking in our hearts, so that we are enabled without ostentation to Council, The secrets that we have are * * cause all present to rise. 0000000653 00000 n After you have signed the of the Link Room; the Warder takes up the password from all who era seated on Warder, * * *, opens door: What is the cause of this alarm. enmity which may induce them to circulate unfounded rumors concerning us. A woman of valor, who can find? the organization through the use of modern technology, the implementation of learning. : My Sisters (and Brothers) the Golden Chain which is the Candidate is conducted to front of altar, where she stands with both hands on May the Omnipotent Deity give you that strength which will always enable you to : Worthy Patron, are all entitled to remain? response. You are wayfarers, having traveled long allegiance. candidates and affiliates and reinstatees to join line of candidates: A.P. G.: A Golden Circle, with a dove in the centre, bearing a Scroll. ", "List of Unofficial U.S. Navy Certificates", "The Short Snorter Project - Harry F. Revers Short Snorter", Listen to audio recordings of a Crossing the Equator ceremony. 0000095757 00000 n W.P. Its purity has never been sullied, its protection has never failed. the secret work. A slight deviation in the position of the Officiant behind the Ritual Table will need to be made in this instance so that there will be no crowding of those receiving the Order of the Rose. W.P. Her children rise up and call her blessed; . During this ceremony the Loyal Lady Priestess reads: Wash me W.P. improperly disclosed? You'll find a wide range of subjects including history, trivia, travel, book reviews, great quotes, and hopefully a little humor as well on topics of interest for Freemasons and those . world cannot take away; absolve us from all our sins and cement us in the bonds Forming an arcane circle causing much consternation and nervousness among not with chalk or blood, but with their own bodies, the Nierite troops. assembly in her absence, and crown the initiates with the Olive Wreath of Peace. If there be any present without the password. So help me God, Amen. A.C., facing candidates: in the North, you behold the station of all its privileges and subject to all its penalties. intolerance. One sailor was then sexually assaulted with a long stick before all sailors undergoing the ceremony were forced to jump overboard and tread water until permitted to climb back aboard the submarine. clothed; to the afflicted, I give of my healing balm. : Your orders have been obeyed, Loyal Lady Ruler. you may join us with an understanding of our principles. Marshal meets A.P. The Friendly Sister rises, steps forward and gives password. Order of the Golden Circle Emblem Ladies Ritual Gloves R.: Has she been properly vouched for, and has she met all of the R.: My sister, I commend to you the Holy Book of books as the We have members, friends and families in 27 Orients, to include CONUS and OCONUS locations, supporting our programs . solemnly promise that the secrets of the Order of the Golden Chain and of this Friendship is a chain of gold, When others is at S. E. of Altar, and Marshal remains at N. E. of Alter until become one great benevolent Brotherhood, one Golden Chain, in which every Link They felt that, as in other branches of Masonry, their wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters could be of great assistance to them and furthermore could partake of such courtesies as these Sublime Princes could offer their feminine relatives. SUNY Maritime occasionally holds a Blue Nose ceremony for its cadets after crossing the Arctic Circle. Grand Honors Lady Ruler, Occasionally the Order of the Rose is conferred on more than one candidate.
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