Naruto and Sasuke team up against Madara, putting him on the defensive and making him desperate for the Rinnegan in Obito's possession. Kakashi sends the Hanabi Rescue Team to save her; he also give them a special clock that counts down to the Moon's collision, asking that they stop it if Toneri is in any way connected. Main article: Search for Tsunade Before he left, he told Kakashi that Sakumo had been a hero and that, although it was bad to abandon one's mission, it was worse to abandon one's teammates. What is Shisuis Mangekyou Sharingan Ability? After Naruto and Sakura have had a chance to catch-up, Kakashi reforms Team 7 and gives them another bell test. Main article: Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze NOTE: In the anime, the events of this arc occur after the Jgo Arc. On the day of the wedding, Kakashi greets foreign guests such as Killer B and the Fifth Kazekage. Kakashi initially does well against Zabuza, defeating Zabuza's water clones with his own. Main article: Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission [38] On the few occasions he exposes his full face, he has a narrow jaw-line and a beauty mark under the left corner of his mouth. Kakashi decided to leave and not report anything about the Iburi or Root's involvement. NOTE: In the anime, the events of this arc occur during the Sasuke Retsuden Arc. [70] Other techniques of this nature include lightning hounds that he can manipulate to attack with, lightning clones that paralyses opponents on contact,[71] and lightning cords that are even capable of cutting through Tailed Beast Chakra Arms. When Does Kakashi Become Hokage in Naruto Shippuden? In this case, Kakashi was a perfect fit for the office. Read Info on the fam from the story It Hurts (Kakashi x Student reader x Sasuke) by Number95914 with 1,626 reads. Realising that this is a good opportunity to try once again to reunite with Sasuke, Kakashi combines Teams 7 and 8 into an Eight Man Squad with the mission to find either Sasuke or his assumed target, Itachi. The Third Division arrives in time to save them from the reincarnated Gari, Pakura, Haku, and Zabuza Momochi. The kanji "" (Literally meaning Six Fire) is written on the back, denoting his Hokage position. The topic turned to Mirai and Kakashi concluded that she had done a fine job at escorting him and Guy. Kakashi explained that a ninja with no resolve will only doom themselves and that Boruto is solely responsible for his classmates becoming so lazy and carefree. One reason is that Kakashi knows more about being a Hokage than Naruto does, so he might have been better prepared to assume the duties of Hokage. This story is inspired by the works of The Omnipresent Sage and . Although most people he knows are aware of how much he likes Icha Icha, Kakashi is seemingly uncomfortable sharing the books with others, to the point of growing embarrassed by the presumably adult content when he is forced to read passages aloud. Kakashi and Minato are confused by what's happened, so Obito explains that he's been forced to revive Madara instead. While en route to an Akatsuki lair, they are confronted by Itachi Uchiha. Seeing what his father went through and determined not to make the same mistakes, Kakashi decided that following the Shinobi Rules must always take priority. Konoha's ninja search the crashed Tobishachimaru, treating the passengers and taking Kahy into custody. Did kakashi do like. anything as a hokage yeah - Pinterest Accepting that Obito's mind can't be changed, Kakashi attack in order to protect the world that the Obito he used to know cared about. Kakashi lecturing Boruto during the Genin Exams. He pretends to be killed by one of the Demon Brothers' attacks so that he can observe them, stepping in to neutralise them once Team 7 can't hold them off anymore. They discovered the origins of the feud, and when Boruto's attempt to reconcile them over sharing a dango shortcake recipe the grandfathers came up with when they were in better terms failed, Kakashi proposed turning the fireworks display into a competition, the winner retaining the right of displaying the fireworks henceforth. Kakashi talks to Kakuzu before killing him. Boruto and Sarada suddenly appeared, helping with an investigation on a mail bomber. "Naruto, did you just feel the same Chakra as mine right now?" Kurama asked Naruto. [31], Kakashi continued to investigate Orochimaru over the following years, eventually locating one of his secret labs three years after the latter's defection. The next day, Boruto tended to Kakashi's hurting back while he took his time reading the first edition copy, sure that it would feature a happy ending, just like how Sabure and Yubeshi were making married. Uchiha roared angrily. Sasuke is surprised and puts up less resistance, so Kakashi tells him that taking revenge for those that he's lost is not worth also losing those he still has, namely Naruto and Sakura. Before he falls from the ship, Kakashi notices Kahy's mask has come off, who he recognises as the woman he helped before. [85] Later, Kakashi meets with the village leader, Disonasu, who Kakashi recognises as also an old partner of Orochimaru. I am slowly expunging all unedited drafts for posted and unposted fics I have accumulated for the past 6 months this exact thing is loosely based on (tumblr)@crescentmoonrider's root!ob idea because it is gorgeous and I am feasting on it like a self-proclaimed shit-ass king I am liberally splitting this fic into two massively uneven parts . This allows Naruto and Sakura to each take a bell. Kakk retaliated by forcing a cave-in and Kakashi, due to his damaged eye, was struck in his blind spot and had difficulty avoiding the falling rocks. Suspicious, he follows them, but keeps up appearances that he is only meeting Sasuke for lunch. Over time, Kakashi comes to accept that Rin chose to die, so his guilt instead became more about his broken promise to Obito to keep Rin safe. Nearly a year after the war, Kakashi has yet to officially take on the duties of being Hokage, feeling he's unqualified, leaving Tsunade to continue managing Konoha's affairs. As they wait for Madara's inevitable return, Kakashi reminds them of their first lesson as Team 7: the importance of teamwork. When Shikadai contacted his father via phone, he revealed that Iwagakure was taken over as part of a plan by noki. As they near Sasuke's location they are intercepted by Akatsuki member Tobi. Main articles: Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day and Parent and Child Day Arc Kakashi complies and, after he passes, buries them both. Did Kakashi kill Rin? Did ginkaku and kinkaku kill the second hokage? Before he can elaborate further, they are interrupted by the arrival of Asuma Sarutobi and the rest of Team 10. Kakashi Hatake became the Sixth Hokage at the age of 32, succeeding Tsunade in the role. [37] He has spiky silver hair often oriented to his left-side, dark grey eyes (black in several instances), and typically a relaxed and lazy expression. They are later attacked by Ishidate, who petrifies one of Kakashi's arms, thus allowing him to capture Michiru. There, they found annual festival/competition where a town was split between two beliefs on its origins; some believing that it was a cat spirit and others believed it to be a dog spirit. The still-functioning Asura Path fires a missile at Chji in an attempt to stop him, forcing Kakashi to use Kamui again to warp away the missile. While others were annoyed by this, Kakashi insisted that they already have enough shinobi in this era of peace. In the anime, he requests that Guy be his second-in-command. . Kakashi protected him, but his left eye was badly damaged in the process. That also answers the question, Kakashi wasnt a detail-oriented person, and after years of fighting in the worlds latest war, he had sacrificed his home and family to protect Konoha with little or no political gain. Despite this accomplishment, Boruto deemed that this increase in power wasn't enough to defeat Deepa and began training to further strengthen his new Rasengan. Naruto is overwhelmed by all the developments going on and passes out. Team 7 eventually arrives to lend assistance and helps them escape, but while going after Guren they come across the Three-Tails. Kakashi became Hokage after the war because he was the only one left who was worthy of such a title. Boruto designed a group assault on Kakashi, but he quickly saw through the faade, easily repelling the entire class' group assault on him. Boruto was committed to help from the start, but Kakashi had to be convinced by Yubeshi's promise of her rare first edition of an Icha Icha volume, with an extended ending. In the anime, following Jigen's attack on the village, the archives were broken into and data was stolen. Kakashi agrees to these terms, but insists on being allowed to eliminate Tobi with Kamui when he comes to fetch Sasuke; Tobi stops him, telling him it won't work, and leaves with Sasuke. Obito immediately suggested that they rescue her, but Kakashi elected to abandon Rin, believing it was more important to finish the mission before concerning themselves with her safety. Yet, this was only temporary, as Kakashi would indeed become Tsunades successor and the next Hokage of Konohagakure. Minato was good at many things, but getting Kakashi and Obito to get along was something that even he couldn't accomplish. When Guy believed the genjutsu to be a demon and attacked it, he accidentally knocked down the main wall that split the town, thereby convincing the villagers that it was a sign for them to truly come together. As we all know, Tsunade was the Fifth Hokage before Kakashi. When they arrive in Suna, Kakashi is attacked by Chiyo, who mistook him for his father, but her brother Ebiz cleared up the confusion before the attack could connect, to Kakashi's great relief at the close call. [52] Kakashi's genjutsu prowess is able to use basic techniques to major effect for intimidation and distraction. [74] When Obito died with both his Sharingan, his spirit briefly returned from the afterlife and inhabited Kakashi's body, during which, Obito channelled both his eyes' djutsu power into Kakashi, granting full usage of their abilities. To his students on Team 7, Kakashi emphasises the importance of teamwork; he . While they fight him, Kakashi notices something is off about Itachi, notably his lack of use of the Mangeky Sharingan. Once they locate him, they pin him down while Kakashi attacks with his Lightning Cutter. The village is then attacked by intruders and Kakashi orders his former students to join with Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino to help stop the intruders, whom he later learns are some of the missing shinobi. In the end, Rin sacrificed herself. Main article: Akatsuki Suppression Mission Same happened to Konoha, one of the branches of Shinju appeared in the middle of Konoha, destroying most of it. Once alone, Kinoe confided that Danz was making his own plans against Orochimaru and, with help from Yukimi, helped Kakashi get free. It was soon after Pain attacked the Hidden Leaf Village and destroyed it. Who is the Seventh Hokage in Naruto? - Kakashi provides his ninken to Kiba in his place, believing they would be more useful to him. A small face, emerald from her hair, eyes to her gown. Kakashi leaves Naruto with Yamato and has Sai's ink clone guide him to Sakura so that he can stop her. [90] By the time he helps Sai seal Fuguki Suikazan, only three reincarnated shinobi remain. After his father's death, Kakashi became more stern, aloof and cold toward others, following all the rules to the letter, chastising any who disobeyed them and being willing to abandon his comrades to finish missions. Even his ninken have seen his face so sparingly that most of them don't remember what he looks like unmasked. [55] Also, his ongoing competitions with Might Guy make him just as comfortable attacking from the front, striking with blazing speed and debilitating precision to quickly defeat multiple enemies. Some people didnt agree with this nomination because they considered Kakashi too young and inexperienced at the time. Kakashi was reluctant to accept these duties, but he ultimately did, being Hokage for a total of 13 years. His expertise varies from Alfred Hitchcock movies to Bleach, as he has explored a lot of fictional Universes and authors. In the anime, many believed he purposely killed Rin to prevent her from leaking information, earning him the nickname "Friend-Killer Kakashi". Kakashi engages Kakuzu in hand-to-hand combat. Kakashi watches as his students attack Madara, but they aren't able to stop him from casting the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Tazuna confesses that assassins have been hired to kill him so that he can't build a bridge that will free the Land of Waves from the tyranny of Gat. . He tries to capture Kabuto in order to learn more about Orochimaru's plans for Sasuke, but Kabuto escapes. When Does Kakashi Become Hokage? - Fiction Horizon Kakashi being Hokage was poor fanservice. He was most unhappy with the responsibilities that came with being Hokage. Meanwhile, Kakashi takes Karin to the Konohagakure Intelligence Division to be questioned. Because Kakashi and Minato Namikaze both failed to combine their natures with the Rasengan, Kakashi can't offer Naruto any tips and can only watch as he tries to develop something. Kakashi may not be a perfect kage, but he was always striving for perfection. Despite mounting casualties, Kakashi sticks to his original plan: he sneaks up on Zabuza and attacks with the Lightning Cutter, intending to dispel the heavy mist. He also becomes able to perform it faster, enough that opponents may not even notice he used it at all.[78]. He entreats Kakashi to tell him about his life, with which Kakashi complies. Later, Victor, president of the Land of Valleys' premiere medical and research company, was defeated and revealed as a member of Kara. Kakashi, having the only copy, is asked to read specific passages aloud, which makes him extremely uncomfortable. Why did Kakashi become Hokage? The fighting rages on until Kakashi and his fellow defenders eliminate all invaders in the area except for Kabuto and Baki, who opt to flee rather than continue fighting. Naruto thinks that Kakashi is going to kill Sasuke. In addition, Kakashi received some of the Six Paths Chakra, allowing him to use the Mangeky Sharingan and its abilities for repeated and extended use with no effect on his health or eyesight. Sai informs Kakashi that he has been in contact with Sasuke, whom Kakashi had previously asked to lead the investigation into the disappearances due to that only his ocular powers can cancel genjutsu, and Kumogakure and Kirigakure have agreed to cooperate in the investigation.
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