Five reasons why Labour lost the election Under the first past the post electoral system, many Labour votes were "wasted" as part of large majorities for MPs in safe seats. Labour Fundamentalists including Bevan wanted further reforms, specifically more nationalisation meanwhile Morrison called for party unity. The economy's recovery was further hindered by the short-sighted need to remain a world power. Instead, this 1947 balance of payments crisis compounded by the fuel shortage and the convertibility clause forced Labour to rein in spending. The 1951 election ended the post-war Labour governments, put Labour into opposition for 13 years and marked the start of a decade of bitter internecine warfare in the party. The population was also swelling, not to mention the return of service men and women from abroad, and the total number of properties in Britain had fallen by over 700,000 due to bomb damage. rather than 0% favoured Sarah from CollectifbdpHi there, would you like to get such a paper? shortages, Korean War World economic Why Did Clement Attlee Lose The 1951 Election? - FAQS Clear which led to more sophisticated Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? Extremely cold weather met with insufficient stockpiles of coal, and much industry ground to a halt as a result. The Bevanites, being more left-wing, wanted to focus Britains resources on further nationalisation of industry. Their election campaign was heavily based off the idea that, if voted into power, there would be a period of consolidation after the previous years of innovation. In the years prior to 1959, many had expected Labour to win the next election. The caretaker government, led by Churchill, was heavily defeated. These problems, however, would have been inherent to any government of Britain at the time, but the fact was, Labour were held accountable. Between 1948 and the election year 1950, Labour was committed to a period of tighter spending and more austere demands placed upon citizens. Why did Labour win the 1945 election and lose in the 1951 election? After the First World War, the Lloyd George Coalition had made many empty promises concerning reconstruction. Never Had It So Good: 1959 and Must Labour Lose? Technicalities. In 1945 Labour had won 11.99m (47.8%) of the vote, and went on to attain 13.95m (48.8%) of the vote in 51. This aim was ill-fated and in the eyes of many economists , obviously exceeded the country's economic capacity, . This caused widespread discontent as even during the war, bread had not been rationed. 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The first years, between 1945 and 1946, saw fervour for rapid reform in many areas of government. After researching the topic thoroughly, I Would argue the main reason Labour lost in 51 was . Conservative pre-war blunders played a key role in Labour's victory due to the electorate remembering these mistakes. There are several causes which can be established, first by looking at the events of the Attlee years and then isolating those points at which factors were working toward the partys defeat. Senior Labour MP Margaret Hodge described Baroness Boothroyd as "inspirational" and "a trailblazer for women". America sought the support of her allies in fighting the North Korean communists, and Britain committed troops to assist her. In this respect, although Labout lost the 1951 election, it can be claimed that they only marginally lost popular support meaning, in my opinion, the most significant factor contributing to their loss was the mistiming of the election. Thus, it may have Why did Harold Wilson win the 1964 Election - Winston Churchill was a very popular speaker. Labour actually gained fewer votes than in 1959, but the Conservatives lost 1.6 million votes and the Liberals gained over 1.5 million votes. In his budget, the Chancellor, Hugh Gaitskell, sought to balance his budget by imposing charges on false teeth and spectacles. As a response to the housing problem, Dalton committed to building one million new homes, 80% of which were council houses to be rented cheaply to those who most needed them. Why did the Conservatives win the 1951 election - Instead of indroducing new reforms and methods to improve living conditions, Attlee decided to focus on fighting the election based on the partys previous successes, claiming that the Conservatives could not be trusted with the reforms they had introduced. Failure of liberal party leads to more marginal victories for C's. Labours taxation policies unpopular with middle classes led them to lose the 1959 election. How about receiving a customized one? Pearce's reinterpretation argument makes the most sense because policies like appeasement were relatively popular at the time. WW2) needed loans to sustain economy, Keynes 1945 secures The war had played a crucial role in Labours 1945 victory, by bringing them into the public eye - they were left effectively to their own devices to rule the homefront as Churchill struggled on with the war effort. Pre-war Conservatives were labelled Guilty Men by Labour, this was very influential in winning over public opinion for Labour who presented themselves as the only party able to prevent another war. Firstly, the party enacted most of its initial 1945 manifesto pledges in establishing the NHS, founding the Welfare State, and building one million new homes. Under Michael Foot, it suffered a landslide defeat, taking just 27.6% of the vote and giving Margaret Thatcher's Conservatives. (45 Marks) The 3rd May 1979 saw the greatest parliamentary swing since the war, with the Conservative Party polling 43.9% of the vote; thereby winning 339 seats (up 62 since the last election). large amounts in payouts, Labours 1950 manifest included These reforms had a deep effect on Britain, however the electorate evidently felt not enough was done to fulfil the promises of a near utopian post-war Britain. 1951 United Kingdom general election - Wikipedia was really in their early The shock the election caused was comparable to the results of the 1906 and 1979 elections, and would have a profound impact on how the country was rebuilt in the post-war period. Arguments within the labour party. This divided party had stood no chance against the organised, well-funded Conservatives. Why did Labour lose the 1951 General Election Essay Example This large Parliamentary shift, in the face of an unremarkable swing in the popular vote, can be attributed partly to Labours loss of the middle class vote. Similarly, Labour simply made too many promises that were out of their reach, however they did fulfil most of their promises. legislation, Commitment to full employment and a mixed economy, Said to focus upon its previous While this gave them a temporary boost in the polls, it did nothing but hinder them in the long term. Then, in the summer of 1947, problems arose with the US war loan to be paid to the British government, in the form of the convertibility clause. It was the first election in which Labour gained a majority of seats and the first in which it won a plurality of votes. 1950-1951 labelled as an UNHAPPY PARLIAMENT Labour majority reduces to just 7 seats 1950 By changing the timing of the election to be in 1951 rather than spring of 52' due to the Kings tour of Australia it hit the party at a time of economic downfall- seen to be short lived as by 1952 the 419 million defecit was yet again in the surplus Ministers Just by losing a core of middle class voters, Labour lost a great many marginal contests and most particularly in the well-to-do constituencies of southern and south-eastern England. why did labour lose the 1951 election - However, Attlee wanted to resolve the political uncertainty in Britain befre the Kings scheduled six-month tour of the Commonwealth, and so the election was scheduled for 1951, putting them in a disadvantaged position. Answer (1 of 11): There are books and other commentaries, opinions (web searches will reveal them) that explore this in detail, but here is a personal take. The shock the election caused was comparable to the results of the 1906 and 1979 elections, and would have a profound impact on how the country was rebuilt in the post-war period. e Bevanites and the Gaitsgillites. Although it did help to achieve this end, Churchills party was able to lament publicly the humiliation the government had brought upon the British currency, and at the same time place blame on the government for the continuing food scarcities and long queues. to change in later Understandably, the architect and far left member of the party, Bevan, was enraged at this suggestion. Economic problems e.g. Gaitskell and Morrison (Deputy Prime Minister) both doubted whether Labour would be able to defeat the Conservatives in 1951, owing to their loss of seats in the 1950 election. The Conservative Party made some political headway by attacking the governments credentials with regard to the 1948 devaluation of the pound, which was designed to bring about the much needed rise in exports. Cost of Living KOREAN WAR Austerity LINK TO COMPULSORY MILITARY SERVICE - cost of heating, clothing, education and food (and other necessities) was increasing; dissatisfaction amongst the people - defense spending increased whilst public spending decreased; led to NHS prescription charges 'Felt like a guinea pig': 90-year-old suburban atomic veteran electricity-1948 This was at a time when the economy could least handle it, and Labour was blamed by a weary public in 1951. until after the election on the grounds of "morality" which was the years, Once lend lease had ended in 1945 (end of billion he had hoped for, Repayable at After the shock of the 1945 election, Labour appointed Lord Woolton as their party chairman: he was central to the revitalisation of the Conservatives and reorganised the conservative party effectively. 1983: the biggest myth in Labour Party history | Red Pepper This split caused to distinct groups to form within Labour; the Bevanites and the Gaitsgillites. Georges Dufaud (1777-1852) was one of those ironmasters who benefited from the changes introduced by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Empire (Figure 1.1). Within the Cabinet, Gaitskells decision to expand the defence budget at the expense of domestic spending enraged health minister Nye Bevan in particular, who resigned as a response to the Korean deployment. This massive reform of the 1945-1946 period was dealt a blow in February 1947, when the government faced a fuel crisis. there had been limited industrial reform and Nevertheless, the war was clearly more important in raising Atlee's reputation among Britons because Attlee was effectively completely in charge of the homefront for the duration of the war. This committed the UK government to keeping the value of sterling at a stable rate against the US dollar, and this meant that the governments hands were tied as they sought to address Britains balance of payments deficit by means of international trade. Cole suggested that its success was the inevitable consequence of the emergence of class politics. - NEW why did Labour lose the 1951 election? - The Student Room History-UK-BK1-Labour-1951 election. This aim was ill-fated and in the eyes of many economists obviously exceeded the country's economic capacity. Outlined in the report were: all working age people would pay a National Insurance tax, and Benefits would be paid to the sick, unemployed, retired or widowed. Labour's Legacy - The Labour Party Both of these policies were unpopular amongst the mass electorate, and rationing caused consternation most notably the middle class, to whom the need for wartime prudence was no longer apparent. National income had fallen by a quarter during the War, meaning that many export markets needed to be recovered lest Britain face financial ruin. The disadvantages and advantages of pesticides. Between 1948 and the election year 1950, Labour was committed to a period of tighter spending and more austere demands placed upon citizens. Conservatives 290, 1950-51 Labour were in office To the most left-wing Labour MPs and enthusiasts, this was a betrayal of socialist solidarity; on the other hand, to many more involved with the party this represented subservience to US demands. Finally, splits over the Korean War both over the political justifications for British deployment, and over the cuts in public spending domestically brought about splits in the party which made it poorly placed to fight the 1951 election. That was three million less than the number of summonses, warrants and benefit deduction orders issued for poll tax non-payment. The party's manifesto was named Mr Churchill's Declaration of Policy to the Electorate, in the hope of taking advantage of Churchill's huge popularity. They had beaten the Conservatives by a clear 8% however in 51 they only had a 0.8% lead on the votes, as to why they didn't win after getting more votes one has to examine the first past the post system. Here i looks at the reasons behind Labour's worst defeat in an election campaign since 1935. Labour Fundamentalists including Bevan wanted further reforms, specifically more nationalisation meanwhile Morrison called for party unity. The Labour party had suffered after 10 years in government, and their MPs had begun falling ill, some even dying. Also during the 1930s Britain suffered the great depression, which weakened the Conservatives reputation considerably due to their domination of the National Government. fundamentals called for further A defeated conservative MP at the time, Macmillan, claimed that It was not Churchill who lost the 1945 election, it was the ghost of Neville Chamberlain. 20. century British politics had been dominated by the conservatives, and Labour had never formed a workable majority before 1945. The changes appear to have been hugely beneficial to the majority of the population. Resource summary. History-UK-BK1-Labour-1951 election | Mind Map The thought of being involved in another war, let alone one happening thousands of miles away with no real impact on Britain, was not very palatable to the British public, who were still dealing with the . assortment of industries', Following clause IV Why did Harold Wilson win the 1964 Election. In February 1957, Labour won the seat of North Lewisham in what was their first by-election gain from the Tories in almost twenty years. As he struggled to justify his November emergency budget tightening spending and committing to an exchange rate policy subservient to US demands, Dalton resigned as Chancellor. 1951. a8a56820-44a0-4a9a-8187-fafb017abb00 (image/jpg), 8f36ad5d-3853-456a-9ff6-bdaabf691996 (image/jpg), c55c2574-fee6-48c9-ba8e-44fc34928bdf (image/jpg), e49a14d7-993b-49bd-9e9f-d594e2a70129 (image/jpg), 513b94d5-0e2d-4180-b58e-d389eb13cc5f (image/jpg), dd237af4-9d8e-494a-8b1e-c60544884a89.gif (image/gif), 40b0897e-0340-4b7e-af81-65768eaa4fb8 (image/jpg), 0ae72221-e96f-4b35-ad23-e78e4f949912 (image/png), Daily Express: "while he knew In contrast to the break-up of the MacDonald Labour government in 1931, there was no 'bankers' ramp' or dramatic and overwhelming financial crisis. While it cannot be disputed that Labour kept their campaign simple, it would be ill-advised to declare that it helped enormously. Labour to the Conservatives - was enough to tip Labour out of office in the general election held in October 1951. After being elected in 1945, the Labour Government introduced changes to welfare, employment and housing that would last a generation. In addition, Morrison became Home Secretary and Bevin Minister of Labour and National Service. The General Election, 1959 - Gresham College To gain an understanding of the election one must study the context surrounding the election. disadvantaged by 1st Past post Bill Shorten's political career ended last night but Morrison's is just beginning. In 1951 Labour attained 48.8% of the vote, and the Conservatives only got 48% of the vote. The Labour party had suffered after 10 years in government, and their MPs had begun falling ill, some even dying. The need for a better post war Britain was felt amongst all classes and Labour's support of the Beveridge Report brought widespread support. human beings", Tarnished image by the end of time in administration, Devaluation of from Both clearly agree that the pre-war period was significant, however they differ on why it was significant. Sterling crisis 1966, devaluation 1967, tax rises, public spending cuts and rejection of the EEC application 1963. 5 Labour and Conservative Governments, 1964-79 Why did the Conservatives lose the election of 1964? One of the major issues Labour had to face was how to rebuild Britain following the end of the Second World War, it also had to face the decolonisation of the British Empire and the loss of key figures within the party due to age and illness by 1951. sects ( religion/ groups), Issue in Iran with Oil efiniry nationalised, wasn't handles, Election results 1951 There are three main sub-categories for this answer; the Conservatives strengths, Labours weaknesses/ limitations, and uncontrollable factors. Why did Labour (Britain) lose in 1951? : r/AskHistorians Public transport -1948 The pre-war period was significant because, during the war, it was reinterpreted. Under the head "Peace", the Labour manifesto said: "The Tory (Conservative) still thinks in terms of Victorian imperialism and colonial exploitation. Britains involvement in the Korean War also enabled the Conservatives to play on Churchills war hero status. Extremely cold weather met with insufficient stockpiles of coal, and much industry ground to a halt as a result. that there was a missed opportuinty for was welcomed by the electorate. 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Working class voters, on the other hand, remained loyal to the Labour Party and the 1951 election saw Labour poll the highest aggregate popular vote ever achieved in Britain. Economically the Labour government of 45-51 struggled, with the electorate all too aware of he post-war shortages, the continuing rationing, increased taxes, and the general dislike of austerity the feeling of being under the thumb of the Americans. PDF The fall of the Attlee Government, 1951 - White Rose University Consortium There are several causes which can be established, first by looking at the events of the Attlee years and then isolating those points at which factors were working toward the party's defeat.The 1945-1946 period of Labour government sought to address some key difficulties facing the nation following World War II. In spite of some successes during 1948, including good export figures, participation in the Berlin Airlift and regardless of middle class perceptions generous relaxations in rationing, the publics faith in the Attlee government to manage the rebuilding of Britain had dropped off considerably.
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